Английский язык. Громовая И.И - 49 стр.


Alec: ROM is Read Only Memory. It is a firmmade permanent memory
chip for program storage.
Professor: Good. Your answers are excellent.
Alec: Thank you, Professor. I’m pleased, as Programming has always
been my favourite subject.
8. Передайте диалог, пересказанный в косвенной речи, в прямой речи.
When Alec and Bob met Alec said that he had some questions about the
computer interface. So he wanted Bob to explain some aspects to him. Bob
answered in the positive.
The first question Alec asked concerned the notion of an interface. He
added that people often used the English equivalent of that term and seemed
not to differentiate between the types of interfaces. Bob explained that the
interface was an interconnection between hardware, software and people. When
Alec inquired what hardware interface consisted of Bob told that that type of
the interface consisted of physical channels, cables, or wires that connected
and exchanged electronic signals between CPU and peripherals or between
any two units.
Then Alec was interested to learn what software interfaces connected in
particular and Bob told that they were specific messages established between
programs. Alec remembered that software interfaces were application programs,
Data Base Management Systems and the operating programs. He thanked
Bob and added that he felt ready to pass his exam in programming successfully.
9. Сгруппируйте предложения в зависимости от функции герун-
дия, а затем переведите на русский язык.
1. Casting is a process of forming metal objects. 2. Numerous methods
have been developed for producing metal castings. 3. The test needed increasing
the temperature of the metal. 4. There are some ways of obtaining high quality
alloys. 5. Aluminum has a melting point of 658. 7 °C. 6. Melting may be done
in cupolas, air furnaces, electric furnaces, etc. 7. Some metals require treatment
before being placed in the melting furnace. 8. We know of electric furnaces
being used for the production of high-grade castings. 9. Plastics are a new
group of materials replacing natural products. 10. We know of Newton’s
having developed principles of mechanics.
10. Перепишите предложения. Переведите группы выделенных
слов, а затем и все предложение на русский язык.
1. In building new metallurgical factories, engineers have to solve many
different problems. 2. In melting steel, electric furnaces, crucible furnaces and
converters are used. 3. Liquids and gases expand on heating. 4. On completing