Английский язык. Громовая И.И - 48 стр.


electrolyte used has no effect on the electromotive force. 7. Man has made
numerous inventions to increase the range of radio and TV transmissions. 8.
Our task is to buy all their equipment. 9. What kinds of operations does the
modern computer perform? 10. Don’t do it!
6. Трансформируйте следующие предложения в придаточные до-
полнительные, начав с фраз I knew, I thought, He said. Измените вре-
мя глаголов-сказуемых в придаточных дополнительных в соответ-
ствии с правилами согласования времен. Произведите другие необ-
ходимые преобразования.
1. My friend was born in Moscow, and since that time he has been living
there. 2. The goods that have been exported from Sweden are of high quality.
3. The books you need are in great demand everywhere. 4. The letter of
congratulation was sent in advance, and they certainly have got it. 5. Various
registers are interconnected. 6. Each storage location in the storage section is
numbered, like post-office boxes. 7. We must get the samples. I admit the
complexity of this. 8. Franklin didn’t know what electricity was, but he knew
it could be passed through a metal wire. 9. A high level language is a language
in which each instruction or statement corresponds to several machine code
instructions. 10. The printers are used only as output units.
7. Перепишите следующий диалог с целью передачи чужих выс-
казываний в косвенной речи сначала в настоящем времени (напри-
мер: Professor says that Alec’s answer was rather good and…), а затем в
прошедшем (например: Professor said that Alec’s answer had been rather
good and…). Помните, что при передаче чужого высказывания в
косвенной речи действует правило согласования времен, если кос-
венная речь вводится глаголом в прошедшем времени!
Professor: Your answer was rather good. Would you answer a few extra
Alec: I’ll try.
Professor: What can the computer do with the information?
Alec: It can calculate, compare and copy the information stored in its
Professor: What kinds of memory do you know?
Alec: RAM and ROM.
Professor: What is RAM?
Alec: RAM stands for Random Access Memory, because information can
be transferred into and out of any single byte of memory.
Professor: And what does ROM stand for?