Английский язык. Громовая И.И - 50 стр.


the construction, the machine was tested in operation. 5. Casting is a process
of forming metal objects by melting metal and pouring it into molds. 6. By
introducing new methods the engineers increased the speed of manufacture.
7. High-quality programs can’t be produced without employing qualified
programmers. 8. Magnets made by rubbing pieces of iron against natural
magnets are called artificial magnets. 9. Scientists succeeded in developing
means of obtaining a synthetic rubber. 10. The hardening process consists in
heating steel and cooling it in water.
11. Сравните приводимые ниже предложения с инфинитивом и
покажите разницу их структурных моделей через перевод.
1. To obtain steel of the desired quality is the main subject of the experiments
carried out in the research laboratory. To obtain steel of the desired quality the
research laboratory carried out a lot of experiments. 2. To develop a new
method of cutting metals was necessary. To develop a new method of cutting
metals the engineers made some interesting experiments. 3. To design new
machine tools a mechanical engineer must study much. To design new machine
tools is the task of a mechanical engineer
12. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык предложения с ин-
финитивом в функции определения.
1. Engineers must know the best and most economical materials to use and
understand the properties of these materials and how they can be worked. 2.
Another factor for the industrial engineer to consider is whether each
manufacturing process can be automated in whole or in part. 3. The problem
to be discussed at the conference is of great importance. 4. Much was done to
make the work engineers easier. 5. Russian scientists were the first to synthesize
diamonds. 6. The road to be built next year will connect these two towns.
13. Определите, является ли Ving форма причастием настоящего
времени или герундием. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. While decoding was taking place, other parts of the control section were
prepared for the following operation. 2. We can get a better idea of the use and
operation of a computer by looking at an example. 3. Programming with
machine language requires knowledge of the computer and its internal
connections. 4. Assembly language programming is easier to use. 5. Everything
we supply to the computer for processing must be converted into binary form.
6. The cells are arranged as groups, storing a number of bits together as a
byte. 7. Obtaining a byte from storage and moving it to the control block is
called the fetch part of the computation cycle. 8. Input to the register is called
data, and is in the form of one binary digit following the other. 9. The register