Английский язык. Громовая И.И - 53 стр.


necessity of this. 6. Each line can be programmed for input or output. 7. Some
substances are alike in their properties but differ in their mass. 8. I have to do
a lot of work about the house: washing up, doing the flat, cooking are my
duties. 9. The first international chess match was played over 100 years ago.
10. Much attention will be given to artificial intelligence techniques applicable
to problem solving and to man-machine interface.
7. Перепишите следующий диалог с целью передачи чужих выс-
казываний в косвенной речи сначала в настоящем времени (напри-
мер: Professor says that Alec’s answer was rather good and…), а затем в
прошедшем (например: Professor said that Alec’s answer had been rather
good and…). Помните, что при передаче чужого высказывания в
косвенной речи действует правило согласования времен, если кос-
венная речь вводится глаголом в прошедшем времени!
Professor: Your answer was rather good. Would you answer a few extra
Alec: I’ll try.
Professor: You know, a chip is a miniaturized electronic circuit. What
elements does it contain?
Alec: A chip contains several hundred thousand electronic components –
transistors, resistors and others.
Professor: Are there any other terms, which are synonymous to chip?
Alec: Yes, there are. They are integrated circuits and microelectronics.
Professor: What types of chips can you describe?
Alec: Logic chips and Memory chips. Logic chips perform some or all the
functions of a processor. Memory chips are storage cells.
Professor: May larger computers use several types of microprocessors?
Alec: Yes, of course. Even desk computers use one or more
Professor: Your answer is good so you get a five.
Alec: Thank you, Professor, good-bye.
8. Передайте диалог, пересказанный в косвенной речи, в пря-
мой речи.
When Alec met his friend David he said that he was interested to know
what a programming language was. He knew each computer had a repertoire
of operations to perform. So he wanted David to explain him if the notions a
“machine language” and a “programming language” were the same.
David agreed and began. He said that to perform a task a user must choose
the appropriate instructions from the repertoire and sequence them properly.