Английский язык. Громовая И.И - 55 стр.


11. Сравните приводимые ниже предложения с инфинитивом и
покажите разницу их структурных моделей через перевод.
1. To be an ideal engineer means to have knowledge, to improve one’s
ability to analyze, synthesize and develop insight into one’s field. To be an
ideal engineer one is to have knowledge, to improve one’s ability to analyze,
synthesize and develop insight into one’s field. 2. To master a foreign language
is necessary for all students. To master English you must work hard. 3. To
measure temperature is quite simple. To measure temperature it is necessary
to choose some kind of temperature scale.
12. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык предложения с ин-
финитивом в функции определения.
1. A. Popov was the first to invent the radio. 2. They were looking for а
knife to cut bread with 3. The article to be read is of great interest to us. 4.
The text to be translated described first experiments with electricity. 4. What
method is to be chosen in this case? 5. The method to be chosen in any
particular case depends on many factors. 6. New types of telemetry equipment
to operate with electronic computer is the subject of our next scientific
13. Определите, является ли Ving форма причастием настоящего
времени или герундием. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Heating the gas increases the speed of the molecules. 2. Having made
the experiment, the research engineer recorded the data. 3. Translating from
one language to another we can use electronic dictionaries. 4. Translating from
one language to another has been accomplished by a qualified engineer. 5. The
failure was due to the operators having been careless in using the instrument.
6. Most applications requiring storage and manipulation of small amounts of
digital information use registers. 7. The numbers must be carefully stored for
arithmetic processing. 8. The home remote control system operates by
transmitting coded information on the power lines running throughout the house.
9. The task is performed by starting with the first step in the program, then
proceeding immediately to the next step. 10. Very soon the microprocessor
will be integrating various energy sources for most efficient environmental
14. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык следующий текст.
There has long been an interest in language translation and, in particular, in
the prospects of automatic translation by computer.
In the 1960s when the translation studies began, there was already
considerable stirring among professional linguists and others about the efficiency