Английский язык. Громовая И.И - 56 стр.


of translation by computer or machine translation (MT). At that time different
modes of translation were compared. That is, human translations against
different versions of MT. Soon the researchers conducting the studies were
able to add to their observations from the output of the latest MT system that
had become operational. Within a year, they submitted a Russian paper for
translation by the then operational MT system. Two characteristics of MT
output are: 1) untranslated words and 2) translated words that have two or
more meanings in the target language
. An examination of the post-translation
editing showed that many corrections had been made: each of the approximately
80 sentences had had some corrections and modifications, most of them being
extensive. About 35% of the English words had been altered by the editor.
It would be unwise to conclude on a less-than-optimistic note. However, it
is apparent that little progress has been made during recent years. There are
no demonstrated advantages of MT over human translations. Other methods
should be applied to determine the readability of translation. Researchers are
now collecting such data.
the target language – зд. язык, на который делался перевод
Вариант 3
1. Перепишите следующие предложения, подчеркните в них гла-
гол-сказуемое, определите его время, вид и залог. Переведите пред-
ложения на русский язык.
Например: is based – Pr. Simple Passive.
1. Compound semiconductors have been applied to a great extent. 2. The
performance characteristics of amplifiers will have been altered. 3. The model
has been modified and is now being used in many practical situations. 5.
Magnetic amplifiers have been employed for some 50 years; transistors were
reported upon in 1948. 5. The problem will be dealt with in the next chapter.
6. Which of the two operations is to be performed next? 7. Those who learn a
foreign language must follow spelling and grammar rules. 8. They left before
the hour of the next meeting has been agreed upon. 9. She was being laughed
at by everybody. 10. They say that paper must have been invented in China.
2. Поставьте глагол-сказуемое в следующих предложениях в стра-
дательном залоге, стараясь сохранить время.
1. ? killed thirty people and ? injured (травмировать, получать увечье)
65 in that terrible accident. 2. ? hid the treasure in a place which no one could