Английский язык. Громовая И.И - 68 стр.


2. If I knew that the traffic lights were red I …………………. .
a) would have stopped
b) would stop
c) should stop
3. If you had obeyed my instructions you …………… into trouble.
a) wouldn’t get
b) wouldn’t have got
c) couldn’t get
4. If I hadn’t been wearing tight shoes I …………. the bus quite easily.
a) should catch
b) should have caught
c) caught
5. Поставьте глагол в скобках в нужную форму сослагательного
1. If you (to bring) me a book, I (to read) it. 2. If he (not to ring) me up, I (not
to come). 3. If he (not to write) to me, I (not to answer) him. 4. If I (to be) you, I
(to apologize) to her. 5. If he (to be in), he (to answer) the phone. 6. I (not to take)
your umbrella if I (to know) that it was the only one you had. 7. He (to be) the best
pupil in the class if he (to work) harder. 8. We (to stay) at home if we (to know) he
was coming. 9. If I (to know) they were in town, I (to invite) them to dinner. 10. It
(to be) fun to go to the park, if it (to be) a nicer day.
6. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения, принимая во
внимание многозначность английских глаголов should и would.
1. The workers insisted that the new method should be introduced without
delay. 2. I thought that I should meet you in the laboratory. 3. We should meet
today or tomorrow to discuss some of the common problems. 4. Should we
have any trouble with the machine, we may ask the engineer to give instructions
to us. 5. I believed that we should double the output after having introduced
new machine tools. 6. I thought it would be difficult to avoid the motor
overheating. 7. It would be difficult to avoid the overheating of the motor
without introducing an effective cooling system. 8. If we began the work
immediately, it would be finished by the end of the day. 9. I remember when I
was at school I had a motorbike and I would spend hours overhauling it. 10. If
the motor wouldn’t start in spite of all that, I would ask my father to help me
and he would locate the trouble in no time.
7. Перепишите и письменно переведите данные ниже предложе-
ния, учитывая особенности перевода зависимого и независимого
причастного оборота.