Английский язык. Громовая И.И - 70 стр.


9. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения, содержа-
щие конструкции с герундием.
1. They heard of the 8. 30 train having left some minutes before. 2. I
remember this weapon having been mentioned in the history of the First World
War. 3. He mentioned his having tested this particular material for strength
with entirely satisfactory results. 5. We know of his having been instructed to
find a satisfactory substitute for copper. 6. The engineer insisted on plywood
being used instead of metal for some parts of the car. 7. I can’t help his
confiding his troubles on me. 8. She was displeased with her daughters having
accepted the invitation.
10. Перепишите следующие сложноподчиненные предложения,
подчеркните в них придаточные и укажите, являются ли они до-
полнительными (Д) или определительными (О).
In this case we can suppose that a molecule consists of two equal atoms. 2.
Perhaps, the most important uses of radar are those that give greater reliability
to sea and air travel. 3. It is necessary to know whether or not the molecules
can still rotate freely in the crystal at the lowest temperature. 4. The asymmetry
we observe indicates that the electrons strike the plate with a tendency to spin
to the right rather than to the left. 5. The latest investigations show how this
deflection system works. 6. It is interesting to know if this circuit is a low-level
noise device. 7. The computer, which can utilize both analog and digital data is
called hybrid computer.
11. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык приво-
димый ниже текст.
Computers may have a short history but prior to their development, there
were many other ways of doing calculations. These calculations were done
using devices, which are still used today; the slide rule being a perfect example,
not to mention the ten fingers of the hands. These machines, unlike computers,
are non-electronic and were replaced by faster calculating devices. It wasn’t
until the mid-1940s that the first digital computer was built. The post-war
industrial boom saw the development of computers take shape. By the 1960s,
computers were faster than their predecessors and semiconductors had replaced
vacuum tubes only to be replaced in a few years by tiny integrated circuit
boards. Due to microminiaturization in the 1970s, these circuits were etched
onto wafer-thin rectangular pieces of silicon. This integrated circuitry is known
as a chip and is used in microcomputers of all kinds.
It has been forecasted that exceptionally faster and smaller computers will
replace those in use today.