Английский язык. Громовая И.И - 71 стр.


Вариант 2
1. Перепишите и письменно переведите данные ниже предложе-
ния, учитывая особенности употребления сослагательного накло-
нения в английском языке.
1. I should gladly do this work instead of you. 2. Our students would take
part in the forthcoming conference. 3. I think he would visit this exhibition. 4.
He would inform you of it, but he’ll be busy the whole week. 5. We know this
film would be a success abroad. 6. I should have come to see him. 7. The
doctor demanded that the patient should stay in bed for some more days. 8. It
was necessary that we should do it at once. 9. She suggests that we should
come to see him tonight. 10. Put down my address lest you should forget it.
11. They insisted that he should make a report about the results of his
investigation. 12. He speaks English as if he had lived in England all his life.
13. She wishes she were understood by everybody. 14. She feels as though
she were guilty in everything happened.
2. Перепишите и письменно переведите данные предложения, со-
держащие придаточные условные. Определите тип условного пред-
ложения (реальное или нереальное условие).
1. Pilots and technicians can perform their duties better if they know the
characteristics and limitations of an airplane. 2. If such a computer system
were introduced, most requirements would be satisfied. 3. If the computer
systems endowed with artificial intelligence were developed, they would be
able to think like humans and improve their performance on the basis of
experience. 4. Had the wall thickness been 0. 025 instead of 0. 25 in. , the first
natural frequency would have been 14 Hz instead of 140 Hz. 5. If the metal
surface of the cathode is chemically and physically clean, the discharged atoms
of copper will be deposited within normal interatomic spacing of the atom of
the basic metal. 6. Had they introduced new devices, they wouldn’t have had
any trouble with the equipment. 7. Aeronautical engineering would have taken
a very different course, had aluminum alloys with suitable properties not been
developed. 8. The pilot could perform his duties better if he knew all the
characteristics and limitations of an airplane. 9. All computers must have access
to the outside world if they are to do useful work. 10. If an applied voltage of
one volt produced a current of one ampere, the resistance would be one ohm.
3. Употребите нужную форму сослагательного наклонения в при-
даточном предложении.
1. He would have participated in the conference if he ……………ill.