Английский язык. Громовая И.И - 80 стр.


views of AI. One, the theoretical viewpoint, is concerned with understanding
how computers can be developed to perceive and understand to the level
of human ability. The other, the engineering viewpoint, is concerned with
developing computers that can demonstrate human ability without requiring
theoretical foundation. Just as it was possible to construct bridges before a
science of mechanics was well developed, so too it is possible to develop intelligent
systems that can contribute to problem solving and decision making before a
comprehensive theoretical foundation has been developed.
The major AI areas mirror human abilities: locomotion and manipulatory skills
in robotics; communication skills in natural language and speech; the ability to
distinguish and recognize images in vision, and problem solving skills in expert
AI techniques used can be classified into several areas: knowledge representation
and processing, learning techniques, planning strategies and the user interface.
Text 1. Types of Electric Current
The electric current was born in the year 1800 when A. Volta constructed
the first source of continuous current. Since that time numerous scientists and
inventors, Russian and foreign, have contributed to its development and practical
application. According to
electronic theory it is the electron that sets up a flow
of electric current. In other words an electric current is a flow of electrons in a
circuit per second of time. The flow of electricity through a circuit is called the
electric current and is measured in amperes. The instrument for measuring
electric current is called an ammeter.
The electric current flows in circuits formed of metallic conductors.
Sometimes the circuit includes, in addition to
metal conductors, electrolytes
(as in batteries), gaseous conductors (as in fluorescent lamps), and streams of
electrons and ions (as in electric tubes). In all these cases the passage of the
current results in the production of heat and light, or both and in the case of
electrolytes it causes chemical changes.
There are different types of current having great importance for our industry,
but we shall discuss only some of them. An electric current, which always
flows in the same direction through a conductor and does not change its polarity,
is called a direct current (d. c. or D. C. ). A direct current generally remains at