Английский язык. Громовая И.И - 79 стр.


be an invisible fluid. 7. I want him to compare the results of his experiments
on sensitivity of instruments. 8. We suppose them to know the fundamental
laws of electricity.
(Б) 1. Computing machines in general are expected to perform arithmetic
operations. 2. A computer is said to be universal or general purpose when it
can be programmed to solve a wide variety of problems. 3. Copper wire is
knows to be highly durable under ordinary atmospheric conditions. 4. The
methods described below are thought to be of interest. 5. The weather is likely
to change tomorrow. 6. He is certain to make a good report at the conference,
as he has read a lot of technical journals. 7. The charge in the nucleus was
found to be proportional to the atomic weight of each element. 8. Modern
computers are believed to have storage capacities for hundreds of thousands
9. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения, содержа-
щие конструкции с герундием.
1. I said something about it being a bit late. 2. I can remember him teaching
me to swim. 3. The fact that she was young didn’t seem to be any excuse at all
for her not being like other women. 4. I cannot remember my father having
talked of the book. 5. It was one of the reasons for my not having definitely
refused the offer. 6. Also there was a possibility of your running into Ann. 7.
Do you mind me asking you about work? 8. The next moment I was conscious
of James shaking my hand.
10. Перепишите следующие сложноподчиненные предложения,
подчеркните в них придаточные и укажите, являются ли они до-
полнительными (Д) или определительными (О).
1. We may expect a short circuit results in wire fault and cable fault. 2. The
device involving diodes is limited in the variety of functions it can produce. 3.
We know the current is a path of an electric current. 4. The method you have
described has some advantages. 5. We learned quite recently the instrument
was not of the highest quality. 6. Some of the properties, which we now
associate with semiconductors, have been known for a century or more. 7.
Some of the main reasons for the growth of integrated circuits are that they
are small and light, more reliable than discrete circuits, have fewer connections,
can be mass-produced and therefore are cheap.
11. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык приво-
димый ниже текст.
Expert systems technology is in its infancy, emerging from the new and
expanding field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). There are two contrasting