Английский язык. Громовая И.И - 78 стр.


would be solved. 4. The earliest experiments in the air showed that success
would be achieved. 5. At the moment this class of instruments is mainly used
in laboratory, but in future it should find use in industry. 6. Air is a medium
through which sound travels, without it there would be no sound. 7. It should
be emphasized that progress is made by people. 8. Magnetic measurements
near or on asteroids would have been of value. 9. Early planes would carry
only a pilot. 10. Reliability would be much higher if better circuits were
7. Перепишите и письменно переведите данные ниже предложе-
ния, учитывая особенности перевода зависимого и независимого
причастного оборота.
1. Any numerical problem being solved, the digital computer has become a
significant instrument in our days. 2. A lot of information being delivered,
some form of “memory” must be provided. 3. New computers are rapidly
developed, digital computers being among the most widely spread. 4. Some
mathematical problems being solved, we have to substitute the numbers for
letters in formulas. 5. When falling, the more massive bodies have more inertia
to overcome. 6. When using a computer, we can perform any information-
processing task. 7. For systems requiring lower performance there is a choice:
a choice of technology and a choice of design. 8. The rate of change of silicon
technology is so fast that making a choice is like trying to hit a moving target;
the parameters are continually but predictably changing with the technology
advancing all the time. 9. Nearly all components and interconnections for
data-processing equipment are fabricated by automated printing techniques,
with the information for the manufacturing data being in digital form. 10.
While used, precision instruments require very delicate handling. 11. There
are several different types of mixtures, some being homogeneous and others
heterogeneous. 12. The experiments having been carried out, we started new
8. Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие предложения,
принимая во внимание, что инфинитив в конструкциях Complex
Object и Complex Subject часто соответствует придаточным предло-
жениям в русском языке.
(А) 1. We believe these rectifiers to have been provided with filters. 2.
These substances cause the composition of the liquid to be changed. 3. Friction
caused the body to stop. 4. He assumed these vacuum tubes to have been
tested under severe conditions. 5. The engineers consider most tubes of this
type to use mercury vapour as the gas. 6. The ancients thought electricity to