Английский язык. Громовая И.И - 76 стр.


unusual that they should have forgotten to post the letter. 9. My parents suggest
that I should spend the summer at the seaside. 10. He pretended to be ill lest he
should participate in the conference. 11. He speaks English as if he were a foreigner.
12. He looks as though he had known it before. 14. We were going to the
country and we wished the weather were fine.
2. Перепишите и письменно переведите данные предложения, со-
держащие придаточные условные. Определите тип условного пред-
ложения (реальное или нереальное условие).
1. The computer must be instructed in the program what to do if the
answer of an intermediate calculation becomes zero. 2. If the values of current
were known, the difference between hot and cold junctions could be calibrated
on a meter scale. 3. Provided conduction for a lesser period of time were
desired to satisfy a circuit requirements, a higher potential would be impressed
on the control grid. 4. If life existed on Venus, we should know this. 5. Even if
one of the engines had failed, the plane would have been able to continue the
flight safely. 6. Could the acid be purified, the reaction would take place. 7. If
the experiments start in time, the results will be by no means satisfactory. 8.
Unless computer technology had been developed, space research would have
never made such great progress. 9. The accuracy of the system would be
considerably improved if signals were transmitted on two or more frequencies
simultaneously. 10. If you are my friend, you’ll help me with my exam in
3. Употребите нужную форму сослагательного наклонения в при-
даточном предложении.
1. If the weather…………. . fine, they would go to the forest for mushrooms
next week-end.
a) will be
b) has been
c) were
2. Larry would write him, if he ………. . his address.
a) has known
b) knew
c) knows
3. If he…………. . more spare time, he might have helped us.
a) had
b) has had
c) had had
4. If he ……. a warm coat yesterday, he wouldn’t have caught cold.