Английский язык. Громовая И.И - 77 стр.


a) put on
b) had put on
c) should put on
4. Употребите нужную форму сослагательного наклонения в глав-
ном предложении.
1. If he had realized the danger, he ………………away.
a) would run
b) would have run
c) had run
2. If George went to the party, he ……………. Bell there.
a) would see
b) will see
c) saw
3. Matthew ……………. . the children alone for too long if it hadn’t been
so necessary to see the doctor.
a) hadn’t left
b) wouldn’t leave
c) wouldn’t have left
4. Phil ………. if he had more money.
a) will travel
b) would travel
c) would have travelled
5. Поставьте глагол в скобках в нужной форме сослагательного
1. If you (to go) and (to live) in that country, you (to find) easier to learn
the language. 2. If it (not to cost) so much she (to buy) that dress. 3. If I (to
be) you, I (to do) this work yesterday. 4. If Bob (to know) she was here he (to
tell) her everything. 5. If we (not to waste) so much energy, our resources (to
last) longer. 6. Joan (to send) the telex if the manager (to ask) her to do it. 7. I
(not to be) late for work yesterday if I (to have) an early night the day before
yesterday. 8. If jack (to buy) the car earlier, it (to cost) less than now. 9. If I
(to know) that it was going to rain, I (to take) an umbrella. 10. Just imagine
what the world (to be) like if we (not to have) electricity!
6. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения, принимая
во внимание многозначность английских глаголов should и would.
1. It is desirable that the arrangement of instruments should be as compact
as possible. 2. The scientists suggested that the thickness of the wing should
be moderate. 3. Should the atom gain an excessive electron, the problem