only if the phenomena are numerous and their occurrence frequent, e.g. it was
found that about 1,300 – 1,500 most frequent words make up 85% of the text.
Statistical methods of analysis have been also applied to various theoretical
problems of meaning, e.g. G.K. Zipf discovered that the number of the word‘s
meanings is equal to the square root of its relative frequency.
Statistical approach is quantitative, while most linguistic problems are
qualitative. We should Know what to count. Even if we just want to count the
number of lexical units, we have to define what a lexical unit is – whether we must
count the following as one or more units: work n – work v; by chance; at large,
IV. Immediate Constituent Analysis
Immediate Constituents analysis (IC) is used to study the structure and
lexical syntagmas. Sentences or word-groups are segmented into hierarchally
arranged sets of binary constructions (ICs): a black dress in severe style – a black
dress/in severe style. Successive segmentation results in Ultimate Constituents
(UCs) – two-facet units that cannot be divided into smaller meaningful units:
a/black/dress/in/severe/ style. Immediate Constituents analysis depends on the
meaning of the whole complex: fat major‘s wife – fat major‘s/wife – fat/major‘s
Ics also represent the word‘s derivational structure: denationalize v – de- +
nationalize, snow-covered – snow + covered; blue-eyed – blue + eye + -ed. Ucs
show the word‘s morphemic structure: de/nat/ion/al/ize; snow/cover/ed;
V. Distributional Analysis
Distribution is the position which linguistic units may occupy in the flow of
speech, or the co-occurrence of units of the same level.