Английский язык: Сборник текстов и упражнений. Иваненко Т.И. - 46 стр.



I. Translate into English.
Электронная коммерция, в результате, реклама, электронные платежи, первый опыт,
в современном виде, по твердым ценам, аукцион, виртуальное казино, давать преимуще-
ства, потребитель, глобальный рынок сбыта, конкурентоспособность, сокращение и лик-
видация, веб-ресурсы, сайты средств массовой информации, принадлежать, интересовать-
ся, принимать посетителя, традиционное средство.
II. Translate into Russian.
To arrange companies’ catalogues, Application of Electronic Data Interchange, appearance
of Personal Computers, remote storage of files, medical and virtual banks services, salesman,
enormous choice, articles and services individually selected, quick response, drop in prices,
business opportunities, to be divided into, corporative sites, private persons, sites of technical
supports, shortly speaking, propagation, the fact of receiving a visitor, site-portal, safe-stop.
III. Agree or disagree with the following statements (Use: That’s right, that’s wrong;
I think…; I don’t think…; to my mind …; As far as I know).
1. E-Commerce as business disappeared as a result of arranging companies’ catalogues and
advertisements in the Internet.
2. Selling products and goods on fixed prices, auctions, remote storage of files and virtual
casinos – all these are various kinds of e-Commerce.
3. E-Commerce gives the following advantages for a salesman: quick responses, very high
competitiveness, drop in prices and new business opportunities.
4. The corporative sites belong to companies and private persons.
5. The purpose of the mass media’s owners is not the fact of receiving a visitor into the
site, but their own information.
IV. Find the definitions to the following words and phrases in the text.
published or broadcast information;
shortening, contraction;
privilege, benefit;
systematic arrangement of data in rows or columns;
firm, partnership;
spreading, multiplication;
being in essence but not in fact;
public sale of property;
option, selection.
V. Ask the questions using words in brackets.
1. This business appeared as a result of arranging companies’ catalogues and advertise-
ments in the Internet. (Did…? What…?)
2. EDI and EFT used in 70s may be considered as the first experience of an electronic
business before appearance of Personal Computers in their current form. (When…? What…?)
3. E-Commerce gives advantages not only for a salesman, but for a consumer too.
(Whom…? Does…?)
4. All the Web-resources can be divided into two principally different groups. (Can…?
How many different groups…?)
5. It should be noticed that the mass media site is not the same as the traditional means of
mass media. (Should…? What…?)

      I. Translate into English.
      Электронная коммерция, в результате, реклама, электронные платежи, первый опыт,
в современном виде, по твердым ценам, аукцион, виртуальное казино, давать преимуще-
ства, потребитель, глобальный рынок сбыта, конкурентоспособность, сокращение и лик-
видация, веб-ресурсы, сайты средств массовой информации, принадлежать, интересовать-
ся, принимать посетителя, традиционное средство.

     II. Translate into Russian.
     To arrange companies’ catalogues, Application of Electronic Data Interchange, appearance
of Personal Computers, remote storage of files, medical and virtual banks services, salesman,
enormous choice, articles and services individually selected, quick response, drop in prices,
business opportunities, to be divided into, corporative sites, private persons, sites of technical
supports, shortly speaking, propagation, the fact of receiving a visitor, site-portal, safe-stop.

       III. Agree or disagree with the following statements (Use: That’s right, that’s wrong;
I think…; I don’t think…; to my mind …; As far as I know).
       1. E-Commerce as business disappeared as a result of arranging companies’ catalogues and
advertisements in the Internet.
       2. Selling products and goods on fixed prices, auctions, remote storage of files and virtual
casinos – all these are various kinds of e-Commerce.
       3. E-Commerce gives the following advantages for a salesman: quick responses, very high
competitiveness, drop in prices and new business opportunities.
       4. The corporative sites belong to companies and private persons.
       5. The purpose of the mass media’s owners is not the fact of receiving a visitor into the
site, but their own information.

      IV.   Find the definitions to the following words and phrases in the text.
      –     published or broadcast information;
      –     shortening, contraction;
      –     privilege, benefit;
      –     systematic arrangement of data in rows or columns;
      –     firm, partnership;
      –     spreading, multiplication;
      –     being in essence but not in fact;
      –     public sale of property;
      –     option, selection.

     V. Ask the questions using words in brackets.
     1. This business appeared as a result of arranging companies’ catalogues and advertise-
ments in the Internet. (Did…? What…?)
     2. EDI and EFT used in 70s may be considered as the first experience of an electronic
business before appearance of Personal Computers in their current form. (When…? What…?)
     3. E-Commerce gives advantages not only for a salesman, but for a consumer too.
(Whom…? Does…?)
     4. All the Web-resources can be divided into two principally different groups. (Can…?
How many different groups…?)
     5. It should be noticed that the mass media site is not the same as the traditional means of
mass media. (Should…? What…?)
