Учитель XXI века: ноопсихологический подход к анализу профессионально-личностной готовности к педагогической деятельности. Иванова С.П. - 311 стр.



8. What is the Arlington National Cemetery
famous for?
9. What city is situated on the Potomac
10. Decipher the abbreviation D.C.
11. How high is the Washington Monument?
12. For how many years is the President
13. What does Congress consist of?
14. What city is situated on the Hudson
15. What is the nickname of New York?
16. When was the Declaration of Inde-
pendence signed?
17. Name the most famous skyscrapers in
New York. (World Trade Center, Empire
State Building)
18. What American holidays do you know?
Step 2.
Now your task is to find the answer to the
Crossword Puzzle.
1. A high hill. (mountain) - 8
2. That means very large. (immense) - 7
3. To make longer in space or time.
(to extend) - 6
4. A narrow passage of water connecting 2
seas. (strait) - 6
5. A mountainous country. (highland) - 8
6. A starting point of a river. (source) - 6
7. A stretch of water joining 2 seas.
(channel) - 7
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                          8. What is the Arlington National Cemetery
                          famous for?
                          9. What city is situated on the Potomac
                          10. Decipher the abbreviation D.C.
                          11. How high is the Washington Monument?
                          12. For how many years is the President
                          13. What does Congress consist of?
                          14. What city is situated on the Hudson
                          15. What is the nickname of New York?
                          16. When was the Declaration of Inde-
                          pendence signed?
                          17. Name the most famous skyscrapers in
                          New York. (World Trade Center, Empire
                          State Building)
                          18. What American holidays do you know?

                          Step 2.

                          Now your task is to find the answer to the
                          Crossword Puzzle.

                          1. A high hill. (mountain) - 8
                          2. That means very large. (immense) - 7
                          3. To make longer in space or time.
                          (to extend) - 6
                          4. A narrow passage of water connecting 2
                          seas. (strait) - 6
                          5. A mountainous country. (highland) - 8
                          6. A starting point of a river. (source) - 6
                          7. A stretch of water joining 2 seas.
                          (channel) - 7

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