Учитель XXI века: ноопсихологический подход к анализу профессионально-личностной готовности к педагогической деятельности. Иванова С.П. - 312 стр.



Step 3.
I think that almost all of you want to visit the
USA. I hope itll happen one day. But do you
know much about its cities?
You are given cards. Some proper names are
written there. One of you will read them
properly, the other one will say, to what cities
these names belong. Clear? Settled?
Complete the sentences:
1. George Washington selected ...
2. A hundred square miles were taken from
the states of ...
3. It was called the ...
4. The heart of Washington is the ...
5. The Washington Monument which is 555
feet tall is called the ...
6. The famous Tomb of the ... is worth seeing
Step 4. Role-play.
And now imagine that you are not students
any more. You are professors of different
sciences and American citizens.
You, Sasha, are a professor of Geography.
You, Natasha, are a famous American
You, Peter, are a professor of History.
You, Olga, have been living in Washington for
10 years.
You, Tanya, have been living in New York for
more than 6 years.
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                         Step 3.

                         I think that almost all of you want to visit the
                         USA. I hope it’ll happen one day. But do you
                         know much about its cities?
                         You are given cards. Some proper names are
                         written there. One of you will read them
                         properly, the other one will say, to what cities
                         these names belong. Clear? Settled?

                         Complete the sentences:

                         1. George Washington selected ...
                         2. A hundred square miles were taken from
                         the states of ...
                         3. It was called the ...
                         4. The heart of Washington is the ...
                         5. The Washington Monument which is 555
                         feet tall is called the ...
                         6. The famous Tomb of the ... is worth seeing

                         Step 4. Role-play.

                         And now imagine that you are not students
                         any more. You are professors of different
                         sciences and American citizens.
                         You, Sasha, are a professor of Geography.
                         You, Natasha, are a famous American
                         You, Peter, are a professor of History.
                         You, Olga, have been living in Washington for
                         10 years.
                         You, Tanya, have been living in New York for
                         more than 6 years.

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