Учитель XXI века: ноопсихологический подход к анализу профессионально-личностной готовности к педагогической деятельности. Иванова С.П. - 313 стр.



Here are cards for you with different tasks.
You are working together. You are making
up dialogues with 2 questions and a
monologue from every part. I see that you
know much about America and you
understand each other. But will you
understand the Americans? Well see it.
Tape "New York".
Group members can use all the informa-
tion (political, cultural, geographical) which
they exchanged with the partners.
speed, correctness
(скорость, правильность).
Criteria for success
(критерий успеха):
PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com

                              Here are cards for you with different tasks.
                              You are working together. You are making
                              up dialogues with 2 questions and a
                              monologue from every part. I see that you
                              know m uch about Ame ric a and y ou
                              understand each other. But will you
                              understand the Americans? We’ll see it.

                              Tape "New York".

        Exchange:             Group members can use all the informa-
                              tion (political, cultural, geographical) which
                              they exchanged with the partners.

       Criteria for success   speed, correctness
       (критерий успеха):     (скорость, правильность).

PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com