Английский язык. Жесткова М.В - 7 стр.


(verbs to be, to have; construction there + to be;
Present, Past, Future Indefinite Active and Passive)
Ex.8. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the verbs to be, to have and
put questions to the underlined words.
1) Before 1973
our Institute was not large and had only one faculty. 2) The distance from here to
the railway station is 5 kilometers
. 3) Does she have a visa to enter France? 4) Addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division are the four rules of Arithmetic. 5) Old Russia had many talented railway
engineers and inventors such as Frolov, Jartsev, the Cherepanovs, Polsunov. 6) Tomorrow you will
have a lecture on Chemistry
instead of a seminar in History: your teacher is on business trip. He will be at
the Institute on Monday
. 7) Road accidents are more frequent in rainy weather. 8) An automatic
engine driver is a small-size computer with transducers
. 10) High-class trains like “Russia”,
Irtysh”, “Siberia” and some others have high
reputation and popularity. 11) This article is about a
new high-speed
railway. 12) We had seats in the first coach of the suburban train. 13) The motor is
small but it has high
power. 14) When I was a student I had a little spare time.
Ex.9. Use the verbs to be, to have in the required tense form and translate the sentences
from English into Russian.
1) In the early mornings the traffic to be not very heavy. 2) To have he got a map of the London
Underground? 3) The problems discussed at the last seminar to be very interesting and the students
to have a lot of questions to the teacher. 4) All the underground stations to be of the same size: 6
meters high, 100 meters long and 18 meters wide. 5) To have you got any time to help me translate
this article? – Sorry, but I to be busy now, try to do it yourself. 6) The seats in the old bus to be very
uncomfortable. 7) Oxford and Cambridge to have much in common so they are often called together
as Oxbridge. 8) Electrons in the atom to have the negative charge. 9) If you to have no telephone at
home, you can use a call box in the street. 10) The experiment showed that the assumption to be
wrong. 11) Their reports at the last conference to be very long but they to have no new ideas to
offer. 12) The top speed of the first steam locomotive to be 13 miles per hour 13) They to have an
unpleasant voyage from New York to Liverpool because of the storm. 14) In spite of the dense fog
the train to be not late. 15) It to be such a narrow road that it to be difficult for two cars to pass each
other. 16) All the railwaymen to have the right of free travel by train once a year. 17 The text of the
contract to be ready in an hour.). 18) Large banks usually to have branches abroad.
Ex.10. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to the
construction there + to be.
1) There were several vacant seats in the bus when I got into it. 2) There are a lot of goods that
can be transported by air. 3) There is usually a considerable increase in passenger traffic in summer.
4) There was no chance of getting tickets for this train. 5) There will be no trains today because the
railroad workers are on strike. 6) Were there any telephone calls while I was out? 7) There were
many accidents on this section of the road when it was icy. 8) How many stops will there be before
the train reaches its destination? 9) There is a lot of snow therefore the trains might be late. 10) The
bus pulled up at the stop but to the disappointment of the people there was no room for everybody in
it. 11) There is nothing better than a sea trip if you need a good rest. 12) In Britain you should
always take your turn in the queue at a bus stop if there is one. 13) According to the weather
forecast there will be snow tomorrow. 14) There was a terrible rush [суматоха] at the station when I
came there. 15) When there were no traffic-lights at this intersection, there were a lot of accidents
there. 16) There is a large garage on Seventh Street that provides work for eleven men. There is one
man who meets the customers. There are two other men who take care of batteries. There is another
man who washes cars. There are three other men who sell gas and oil. There is another man who