Английский язык. Жесткова М.В - 9 стр.


Ex.14. Read the following text using the verbs given in brackets in the required tense form in
the Active Voice. Put 5 questions to the text.
One of Moscow designers* [to make – Present Indefinite] micro models of different vehicles* –
this [to be – Present Indefinite] his hobby. His first model [to be – Past Indefinite] a plane; its
weight [to be – Past Indefinite] 0.35 gr., it [to work – Past Indefinite] and [to make – Past
Indefinite] several circuits in the air. In the last 10 years he [to construct – Past Indefinite] 8 unique
working micro models. He [to make – Past Indefinite] them of wood with the help of a knife.
His collection [to include – Present Indefinite] a little locomotive and a car – 13 and 18 cm long
respectively. The locomotive [to consist – Present Indefinite] of 2,566 separate parts and the car – of
1,035. It [to take – Past Indefinite] him 4 months to study the locomotive design and 15 months to
build this model. The locomotive and the car [to work – Present Indefinite] like* full-size models,
even down to* the gears* – including one for reverse*. There [to be – Present Indefinite] even a
two-note whistle* 1 mm. long. You can control the whole operation from the locomotive.
Notes: lilliputian train – поезд-лилипут designer конструктор
vehicle – транспортное средство like как
reverse gear – шестерня заднего хода down to – вплоть до
whistle – свисток
Ex.15. Express the idea in the Present, Past and Future Indefinite (use the adverbials).
1) Passengers [to cross] the railway lines by the bridge. 2) A lab assistant [to show] the equipment
to the students. 3) The automobile plant [to produce] 1,000 cars daily. 4) The students [to repeat] new
words before the lesson. 5) He [to have] enough time to do this work. 6) Our dean [to deliver] a course
of lectures on Physics. 7) The airplane [to leave] at noon. 8) The trains [to be late] because of track
repair works. 9) The buses [to run] every five minutes. 10) The mechanic from the garage [to do]
simple radio repair. 11) Summer holidays [to begin] in July. 12) It [to cost] a lot of money to go to
England by air. 13) Robots [to substitute] people in some monotonous operations. 14) Railway lines
[to connect] all parts of this country. 15) This company [to provide] us with all the necessary
equipment. 16) We [to meet] every Sunday.
Ex.16. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to the tense form of the
predicates in the Passive Voice. Put general questions and special questions to the underlined
1) The traffic was stopped by the policeman so that the ambulance could pass
. [Why…?] 2) The
tickets will be checked by the conductor during the journey
. [When…?] 3) Since Paris is located in
the center of the country [Where…?], the passengers who spend a day in the capital can reach any
city the same evening. 4) The renewal of signaling equipment on all the railroads will be financed
by the government. [Whom…?] 5) More than a million students were enrolled to the institutes and
universities of this country last year
. [When…?] 6) The air in the London Underground is changed
every quarter of an hour
[How often…?] and the temperature is maintained at 69-79 degrees
Fahrenheit all year round. 7) The trains of the future will be operated by automatic drivers
[Whom…?] 8) The first escalator was installed in the London Underground in 1911
. [When…?] 9)
The new car will be tested on the mountain roads
. [Where…?] 10) A lot of roads in the USA were
built by private
companies [What…?] and are paid to use; they are called toll [платный] roads. 11)
At the factory young workers
are trained to use the new equipment. [Who…?]