Английский язык. Жесткова М.В - 8 стр.


repairs wheels. There are two men who work with engines and there is one man who sells tires.
There is no better place for automobile service.
Ex.11. Fill in the blanks with the verb to be in the required tense form.
1) There ___ specialized schools where you can get secondary education as well as good
knowledge of English or German. 2) There ___ no bridge in this place and we took a boat to cross
the river. 3) There ___ so many interesting excursions that he didn’t know which one to choose.
4) In Metro there ___ special pumps and fans that suck in the air from the street, purify it and make
it warm or cool on its way to the station. 5) There ___ not enough time for us to catch the next train.
6) In the very first days of railways there ___ no signals and there ___ no need for them. 7) In Great
Britain there ___ left-hand traffic and a foreign driver must be very attentive. 8) The construction of
the first tunnels required much time, effort and money because there ___ no special equipment for it.
9) There ___ road works in the center streets of the city tomorrow that is why long traffic jams
[дорожные пробки] are expected. 10) There ___ four pairs of sliding doors on each side of a Metro
car. 11) The company closed down because there ___ not much demand for its products. 12) There
___ extra commuter trains at the next weekends.
Ex.12. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English, using the verbs to have, to
be or the construction there + to be.
1) В этом журнале есть интересные статьи? – Да. Журнал очень интересный. Почитай его,
если у тебя есть свободное время. 2) У Вас есть английский словарь? – Да, есть, но в нём
только 1000 слов. 3) Наш институт находится недалеко от станции Метро. 4) Завтра лекции
по физике не будет. Ваш преподаватель в Москве на конференции. 5) Вчера у нас была всего
одна пара. 6) Какой экзамен был самым трудным для тебя? 7) В институтской библиотеке много
новых книг. 8) У вас вчера был семинар по философии? 9) Тебе 20 лет? – Нет, мне будет 20 в
следующем году. 10) Где ближайшая автобусная остановка? 11) В твоём диктанте было
несколько ошибок. 12) У Ника есть телефон? – Да, есть. 13) Лондонский университетсамый
большой ВУЗ Британии. 14) Он никогда не опаздывает на лекции и всегда очень внимательный.
Ex.13. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to the tense form of the
predicates in the Active Voice. Put general questions and special questions to the underlined words.
1) In Samara Metro trains run every 8 minutes. [How often...?] 2) Heavy snowstorms
disorganized the movement of trains in this region
. [Where…?] 3) The train will cover the distance
from Moscow to St. Petersburg in 3 hours if it moves at a speed of 250 km/h.
[In what case…?]
4) At this railway station the stops of the trains last only five
minutes. [How many…?] 5) Tomas
Bouch designed the Tay Bridge in 1878
[When…?] and people called it as one of the wonders of the
world. [How…?] 6) The last train arrives at midnight. [When…?] 7) If we drive at such a speed all the
time, we shall get to the village before dark
. [When…?] 8) Such engineers as Frolov, Yartsev, and
Polsunov made great contribution to the development of railway transport in Russia. [Who…?]
9) The airplane crosses the Atlantic
Ocean in about ten hours. [What…?] 10) It takes only 35 minutes
to travel by train from Britain to France. [How long…?] 11) After the war the government granted
great sums of money to renew railway equipment. [What…for?] 12) In England train passengers
seldom converse with their fellow-travelers even on long journeys – this is more a national custom
than a matter of etiquette. [Where…?] 13) The repair of railway track usually takes place in
summer. [When…?] 14) Your train will leave from platform 2 in five minutes. [What…?]