Task I
Translate the sentences and state the function of the verb “to
be”, “to have”, “to do”
1. Numerical solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations have pro-
liferated in the past ten years. The range of these solutions has ex-
panded rapidly and several methods of solution have been developed to
high degrees of sophistication. 2. In what follows we will have to make
use of multi-dimensional spaces and we will have need for the basic
concepts of analytic geometry. 3. Extremal problems have to do with
finding maxima and minima. 4. Before proving a mathematical fact,
one has to discover it, guess it, conjecture it. 5. The sensitivity of the
apparatus required for the test has to be so great that the results so far
are at best inconclusive. 6. The word “set”, “function”, “relation” and
“operation” have mathematical meanings, that are entirely divorced
from their every day meaning. 7. We have no means of finding out
what is the actual magnitude of the force between two bodies during
the impact. 8. The theory in question has received considerable atten-
tion recently. 9. Suppose we are to find the mean of several approxi-
mate numbers. When one approximate number is to be subtracted from
another, they must both be rounded off at the same place before sub-
tracting. 10. The principal advantage of the integro-differential ap-
proach is its ability to confine the numerical computation to the region
of viscous flow. 11. The primary purpose of this work is to demonstrate
the applicability of the integro-differential approach for various types
of viscous flow problems. 12. The purpose of this paper is to describe a
numerical method of solution of the Navier-Stokes equations for time-
dependent incompressible flow problems. 13. The purpose of the pre-
sent study is to show how the internal molecular energy may be ac-
counted for in the simulation of a reacting gas. 14. The simplest type of
elastic wave is the longitudinal wave, in which the material is alter-
nately compressed and expanded. 15. The fact remains that liquids do
have tensile strength, and it can be measured. 16. Experiments that he
did describe as having been actually carried out have been repeated and
they work well. 17. Galileo did not, however, describe many such ex-
periments and he did not give his results in numerical form. 18. Sun-
spots near the equator traveled more rapidly across the face of the sun
than sunspots farther to the north or south did. 19. When surfaces meet
along curves or when curves and surfaces meet at points, they do so at
equal angles. 20. It was a long time, probably more than 20 years, be-
fore Galileo realized what the medieval writers had always assumed,
namely that there does exist a uniform motion equivalent to any uni-
formly accelerated motion from rest. A trace of this realization first
appeared as theorem I, that does not employ any mean speed to repre-
sent accelerated motion in free fall. 21. At that time many people did
everything but help Galileo. 22. We do not consider the definition en-
tirely satisfactory, however, until we indicate a procedure for determin-
ing it effectively after a finite number of operations. 23. The time re-
quired to do the work determines the rate of working but has nothing to
do with the amount of work.
Task II
1. Use the verbs in brackets in appropriate tenses observing the
rules of the sequence of tenses:
1. They promised that they (to bring) us all the necessary books.
2. He did it better than I (to expect) he would. 3. He said that the trac-
tors (to be) there soon. 4. I think it all happened soon after the meeting
(to end). 5. He said that he (can) not do it without my help. 6. The as-
tronomer told us that the Moon (to be) 240,000 miles from the Earth.
7. We asked the delegates whether they ever (to see) such a demonstra-
tion. 8. It was decided that we (to start) our work at four o’clock. 9. I
told you that I (to leave) town on the following day. 10. I did not know
that you already (to receive) the letter. 11. The boy did not know that
water (to boil) at 100º. 12. He wanted to know what (to become) of the
books. 13. I was told that the secretary just (to go out) and (to come
back) in half an hour. 14. We were afraid that she not (to be able) to
finish her work in time and therefore (to offer) to help her. 15. He said
we (may) keep the book as long as we (to like). 16. When I called at his
house, they (to tell) me that he (to leave) an hour before. 17. It (to be)
soon clear to the teacher that the new pupil (to cause) much trouble. 18.
I was thinking what a pleasure it (to be) to see my old friend again; I
not (to see) him since my schooldays. 19. I have not yet told them that I
(to get) them those books in the nearest future.
Task I than sunspots farther to the north or south did. 19. When surfaces meet along curves or when curves and surfaces meet at points, they do so at Translate the sentences and state the function of the verb “to equal angles. 20. It was a long time, probably more than 20 years, be- be”, “to have”, “to do” fore Galileo realized what the medieval writers had always assumed, namely that there does exist a uniform motion equivalent to any uni- 1. Numerical solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations have pro- formly accelerated motion from rest. A trace of this realization first liferated in the past ten years. The range of these solutions has ex- appeared as theorem I, that does not employ any mean speed to repre- panded rapidly and several methods of solution have been developed to sent accelerated motion in free fall. 21. At that time many people did high degrees of sophistication. 2. In what follows we will have to make everything but help Galileo. 22. We do not consider the definition en- use of multi-dimensional spaces and we will have need for the basic tirely satisfactory, however, until we indicate a procedure for determin- concepts of analytic geometry. 3. Extremal problems have to do with ing it effectively after a finite number of operations. 23. The time re- finding maxima and minima. 4. Before proving a mathematical fact, quired to do the work determines the rate of working but has nothing to one has to discover it, guess it, conjecture it. 5. The sensitivity of the do with the amount of work. apparatus required for the test has to be so great that the results so far are at best inconclusive. 6. The word “set”, “function”, “relation” and Task II “operation” have mathematical meanings, that are entirely divorced from their every day meaning. 7. We have no means of finding out 1. Use the verbs in brackets in appropriate tenses observing the what is the actual magnitude of the force between two bodies during rules of the sequence of tenses: the impact. 8. The theory in question has received considerable atten- tion recently. 9. Suppose we are to find the mean of several approxi- 1. They promised that they (to bring) us all the necessary books. mate numbers. When one approximate number is to be subtracted from 2. He did it better than I (to expect) he would. 3. He said that the trac- another, they must both be rounded off at the same place before sub- tors (to be) there soon. 4. I think it all happened soon after the meeting tracting. 10. The principal advantage of the integro-differential ap- (to end). 5. He said that he (can) not do it without my help. 6. The as- proach is its ability to confine the numerical computation to the region tronomer told us that the Moon (to be) 240,000 miles from the Earth. of viscous flow. 11. The primary purpose of this work is to demonstrate 7. We asked the delegates whether they ever (to see) such a demonstra- the applicability of the integro-differential approach for various types tion. 8. It was decided that we (to start) our work at four o’clock. 9. I of viscous flow problems. 12. The purpose of this paper is to describe a told you that I (to leave) town on the following day. 10. I did not know numerical method of solution of the Navier-Stokes equations for time- that you already (to receive) the letter. 11. The boy did not know that dependent incompressible flow problems. 13. The purpose of the pre- water (to boil) at 100º. 12. He wanted to know what (to become) of the sent study is to show how the internal molecular energy may be ac- books. 13. I was told that the secretary just (to go out) and (to come counted for in the simulation of a reacting gas. 14. The simplest type of back) in half an hour. 14. We were afraid that she not (to be able) to elastic wave is the longitudinal wave, in which the material is alter- finish her work in time and therefore (to offer) to help her. 15. He said nately compressed and expanded. 15. The fact remains that liquids do we (may) keep the book as long as we (to like). 16. When I called at his have tensile strength, and it can be measured. 16. Experiments that he house, they (to tell) me that he (to leave) an hour before. 17. It (to be) did describe as having been actually carried out have been repeated and soon clear to the teacher that the new pupil (to cause) much trouble. 18. they work well. 17. Galileo did not, however, describe many such ex- I was thinking what a pleasure it (to be) to see my old friend again; I periments and he did not give his results in numerical form. 18. Sun- not (to see) him since my schooldays. 19. I have not yet told them that I spots near the equator traveled more rapidly across the face of the sun (to get) them those books in the nearest future. 37 38