American Сulture. Жукова Е.Ф. - 15 стр.




Term Definition Customary Behavior
Neighbor Someone who lives next
door, across the street, or
on the same block
Neighbors generally say hello when
they see each other. Some become
good friends. They often help each
other, borrow things, and watch each
other’s houses when no one is home
Acquaintance Someone you have been
introduced to but do not
know well
Acquaintances generally say hello
when they meet and make small talk
Best friend Someone you can rely on
and of whom you would
feel comfortable asking for
assistance at any time
Best friends generally share good and
bad times together and spend free time
Someone of the opposite
sex for whom you have
romantic feelings
People go on dates, share affection, and
walk arm in arm in public with their
boyfriends or girlfriends
Girlfriend A female friend of another
woman (boyfriend is not
used by men and boys to
refer to their male friends)
Girlfriends spend time together and
share common interest
Classmate A student in your class Classmates say hello, make small talk,
and sometimes study together
associate or
Someone who works in
the same place of business
as you do
Colleagues share business information,
discuss problems related to their work,
and occasionally socialize
2. Problem Situations
Sometimes you will find yourself in a situation that requires you to act in a way
that is contrary to what your friends want or believe is correct. These situations are
Term             Definition                      Customary Behavior
Neighbor         Someone who lives next Neighbors generally say hello when
                 door, across the street, or they see each other. Some become
                 on the same block               good friends. They often help each
                                                 other, borrow things, and watch each
                                                 other’s houses when no one is home
Acquaintance Someone you have been Acquaintances                  generally   say   hello
                 introduced to but do not when they meet and make small talk
                 know well
Best friend      Someone you can rely on Best friends generally share good and
                 and of whom you would bad times together and spend free time
                 feel comfortable asking for together
                 assistance at any time
Boyfriend/       Someone of the opposite People go on dates, share affection, and
Girlfriend       sex for whom you have walk arm in arm in public with their
                 romantic feelings               boyfriends or girlfriends
Girlfriend       A female friend of another Girlfriends spend time together and
                 woman (boyfriend is not share common interest
                 used by men and boys to
                 refer to their male friends)
Classmate        A student in your class         Classmates say hello, make small talk,
                                                 and sometimes study together
Business         Someone who works in Colleagues share business information,
associate     or the same place of business discuss problems related to their work,
colleague        as you do                       and occasionally socialize

2. Problem Situations
   Sometimes you will find yourself in a situation that requires you to act in a way
that is contrary to what your friends want or believe is correct. These situations are