American Сulture. Жукова Е.Ф. - 50 стр.




Two boys, aged 10 and 12, came running up to the car with a big brown dog.
Mrs. Morgan introduced them as her sons, Greg and Todd. The dog she said was
They went into the house, and Rover disappeared into the kitchen. She could
hear him lapping up water. Soon they sat down to have lunch. Mrs. Morgan had cold
cuts, a salad, and cookies on the table; they each made themselves a sandwich.
Rover sat under the table, and Greg kept bending down and giving him food to
eat. Mrs. Morgan told him to stop doing it.
Emily couldn’t eat everything, and as Todd helped his mother clear the table,
he took Emily’s plate and put it on the floor. Immediately, Rover came over and ate
the rest of Emily’s sandwich. Todd picked up the plate and brought it into the
Suddenly, Emily felt nauseated. She wanted to run out of this dirty, disgusting
house. Mrs. Morgan had seemed do nice and clean. But now she realized she wasn’t.
How Emily wished that she had never come to their house and that she had never
eaten that sandwich.
VI. Shopping
1. Shopping from Catalogs
Shopping from catalogs has become an important way of buying all kinds of
items, from exotic foods to large appliances. Some of the best-known catalogs are
from Montgomery Ward, L.L. Bean, and Swiss Colony.
To order from catalog, follow these instructions.
1. If you are not familiar with the catalog company, ask your friends what they have
heard about the quality of the products and the company’s customer-service
policies before you place an order. It is better to learn negative things about a
company before you buy a product than afterwards.
2. Look through the catalog and note any items you want to order.
      Two boys, aged 10 and 12, came running up to the car with a big brown dog.
Mrs. Morgan introduced them as her sons, Greg and Todd. The dog she said was
      They went into the house, and Rover disappeared into the kitchen. She could
hear him lapping up water. Soon they sat down to have lunch. Mrs. Morgan had cold
cuts, a salad, and cookies on the table; they each made themselves a sandwich.
      Rover sat under the table, and Greg kept bending down and giving him food to
eat. Mrs. Morgan told him to stop doing it.
      Emily couldn’t eat everything, and as Todd helped his mother clear the table,
he took Emily’s plate and put it on the floor. Immediately, Rover came over and ate
the rest of Emily’s sandwich. Todd picked up the plate and brought it into the
      Suddenly, Emily felt nauseated. She wanted to run out of this dirty, disgusting
house. Mrs. Morgan had seemed do nice and clean. But now she realized she wasn’t.
How Emily wished that she had never come to their house and that she had never
eaten that sandwich.

VI. Shopping
1. Shopping from Catalogs

   Shopping from catalogs has become an important way of buying all kinds of
items, from exotic foods to large appliances. Some of the best-known catalogs are
from Montgomery Ward, L.L. Bean, and Swiss Colony.
To order from catalog, follow these instructions.
1. If you are not familiar with the catalog company, ask your friends what they have
   heard about the quality of the products and the company’s customer-service
   policies before you place an order. It is better to learn negative things about a
   company before you buy a product than afterwards.
2. Look through the catalog and note any items you want to order.
