Step by step. Кочетова Л.А. - 72 стр.



plan. Here they are in the middle of the seventh row.
Peter: I’ll take those. What time does the second performance begin?
Clerk: Eight-fifteen, sir.
Exercise 1. Answer the questions on the dialogue.
1. What are Mary and Peter’s plans for tonight? 2. Who suggests
going to the theatre? 3. What does Peter suggest? 4. He is fond of
musicals, isn’t he? Are you? 5. Why doesn’t Mary want to see a
musical? 6. What theatre does she want to go to? 7. What particular
actor does she want to see? Why? 8. Who goes to buy tickets? 9. Which
performance does Peter want two seats for? 10. What seats does the
clerk offer him? 11. Which of them does Peter choose? 12. How
much are the seats in the circle in the Aldwich?
Exercise 2. Acting the scene. You are discussing which play (ballet)
to see. Use the expressions:
Are we going anywhere tonight? I wish you could get tickets
for ... ; that would be lovely; I’d like to ... ; he plays (dances) superbly;
I don’t feel like ...
Exercise 3.
In about 100—150 words write a favourable or unfavourable
review of a play (concert, ballet, opera, etc.) which you have been
to. You may include information about the following.
What the show was, when and where it took place, whether
there were many people there; who played the leading parts; what
the performance was like; things you liked or didn’t like; how you
rated the performance.
I. Exercise 1. Make up short dialogues as in the models.
Model 1: How long have you known each other?
We have known each other for two years.
How long have you been ill?
I have been ill since Tuesday.
plan. Here they are in the middle of the seventh row.
     Peter: I’ll take those. What time does the second performance begin?
     Clerk: Eight-fifteen, sir.

      Exercise 1. Answer the questions on the dialogue.
      1. What are Mary and Peter’s plans for tonight? 2. Who suggests
going to the theatre? 3. What does Peter suggest? 4. He is fond of
musicals, isn’t he? Are you? 5. Why doesn’t Mary want to see a
musical? 6. What theatre does she want to go to? 7. What particular
actor does she want to see? Why? 8. Who goes to buy tickets? 9. Which
performance does Peter want two seats for? 10. What seats does the
clerk offer him? 11. Which of them does Peter choose? 12. How
much are the seats in the circle in the Aldwich?

      Exercise 2. Acting the scene. You are discussing which play (ballet)
                  to see. Use the expressions:
       Are we going anywhere tonight? I wish you could get tickets
for ... ; that would be lovely; I’d like to ... ; he plays (dances) superbly;
I don’t feel like ...

     Exercise 3.
     In about 100—150 words write a favourable or unfavourable
review of a play (concert, ballet, opera, etc.) which you have been
to. You may include information about the following.
     What the show was, when and where it took place, whether
there were many people there; who played the leading parts; what
the performance was like; things you liked or didn’t like; how you
rated the performance.

                              LESSON 20

      I. Exercise 1. Make up short dialogues as in the models.
      Model 1: How long have you known each other?
               We have known each other for two years.
               How long have you been ill?
               I have been ill since Tuesday.

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