Step by step. Кочетова Л.А. - 76 стр.



Mike: Try to describe her. What does she look like?
Alice: A tall slim girl of 18 with an oval face.
Mike: Complexion?
Alice: Rather pale.
Mike: Hair?
Alice: She’s fair-haired with light grey eyes. She has a small
straight nose and a pleasant smile.
Mike: I’m sure there’ll be at least a dozen girls like that at the
Alice: Oh, I’d clean forgotten! She’s a dimple on her left cheek!
Mike: That’ll help me for sure. Go to your meeting, I promise
to be on the platform at 5 sharp in search of a slim girl with a dimple
on her left cheek.
b) Grace: Why don’t you dance with Henry?
Beatrice: Because we make such a funny pair; he’s short and
broad and stocky, and I’m tall and thin.
Grace: Nonsense, my dear. He isn’t short, only medium height,
and he dances perfectly, I can tell you.
Beatrice: I know he does. But I prefer dancing with Billy. For
all his long legs and lean figure Billy’s a very good dancer, isn’t he?
Grace: Yes, he is, and I like his face. It may be ugly, but
there’s something awfully nice about it.
Beatrice: But he isn’t ugly at all, especially when he smiles
and shows those perfect teeth of his.
Grace: Still, Henry’s decidedly handsome, which Bill is not.
Beatrice: But there’s something unkind in the look of his grey
eyes. I always feel uncomfortable when he looks at me.
Exercise 1. Answer the questions on the dialogues.
1. Who has Alice just had a telegram from? 2. Does Alice have
any plans for 5 o’clock? 3. Whom does she ask to meet Mary at the
station? 4. Has Mike seen Mary before? 5. Who does Mary look like?
6. Does Alice have any photos of Mary? 7. What does Mary look like?
      Mike: Try to describe her. What does she look like?
      Alice: A tall slim girl of 18 with an oval face.
      Mike: Complexion?
      Alice: Rather pale.
      Mike: Hair?
      Alice: She’s fair-haired with light grey eyes. She has a small
straight nose and a pleasant smile.
      Mike: I’m sure there’ll be at least a dozen girls like that at the
      Alice: Oh, I’d clean forgotten! She’s a dimple on her left cheek!
      Mike: That’ll help me for sure. Go to your meeting, I promise
to be on the platform at 5 sharp in search of a slim girl with a dimple
on her left cheek.

      b) Grace: Why don’t you dance with Henry?
      Beatrice: Because we make such a funny pair; he’s short and
broad and stocky, and I’m tall and thin.
      Grace: Nonsense, my dear. He isn’t short, only medium height,
and he dances perfectly, I can tell you.
      Beatrice: I know he does. But I prefer dancing with Billy. For
all his long legs and lean figure Billy’s a very good dancer, isn’t he?
      Grace: Yes, he is, and I like his face. It may be ugly, but
there’s something awfully nice about it.
      Beatrice: But he isn’t ugly at all, especially when he smiles
and shows those perfect teeth of his.
      Grace: Still, Henry’s decidedly handsome, which Bill is not.
      Beatrice: But there’s something unkind in the look of his grey
eyes. I always feel uncomfortable when he looks at me.

     Exercise 1. Answer the questions on the dialogues.
      1. Who has Alice just had a telegram from? 2. Does Alice have
any plans for 5 o’clock? 3. Whom does she ask to meet Mary at the
station? 4. Has Mike seen Mary before? 5. Who does Mary look like?
6. Does Alice have any photos of Mary? 7. What does Mary look like?

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