Step by step. Кочетова Л.А. - 77 стр.



Exercise 2. Your younger sister/brother is going to visit relatives.
Your relatives haven’t met him/her before. Write telling
them about his/her travel arrangements and explaining
how they should recognise him/her.
Exercise 3. Write some sentences to describe each of these persons,
giving information about their hair and face, their height
and build and general appearance.
1) you yourself;
2) your best friend;
3) a neighbour;
4) your ideal of a handsome man/a beautiful woman.
In the same way, describe somebody very famous, give some
extra clues about them, e.g. pop star/politician, and see if someone
can guess who you are describing.
     Exercise 2. Your younger sister/brother is going to visit relatives.
                 Your relatives haven’t met him/her before. Write telling
                 them about his/her travel arrangements and explaining
                 how they should recognise him/her.

     Exercise 3. Write some sentences to describe each of these persons,
                 giving information about their hair and face, their height
                 and build and general appearance.
      1) you yourself;
      2) your best friend;
      3) a neighbour;
      4) your ideal of a handsome man/a beautiful woman.
      In the same way, describe somebody very famous, give some
extra clues about them, e.g. pop star/politician, and see if someone
can guess who you are describing.

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