Менеджеры и менеджмент (Executives and Management) - 127 стр.


2) a bribe (=illegal or unfair payment made to
someone to persuade them to do something)
synergy n [C,U] additional advantages or profits
that are produced by two people or organizations
combining their ideas and resources
tactic n [C usually plural] a method that you use
to achieve something
tactical adj done in order to achieve what you
want at a later time, especially in a large plan
tailor v [T] to make something or put something
together so that
it is exactly right for someone's needs – tailored adj
take v past tense took past participle taken
take over phr v [I,T]
1) to take control of something
2) to take control of a company by buying more
than half of its shares
takeover n [C] the act of getting control of a
company by buying more than half of its shares
takeover target n [C] a company that may be
bought or that is being bought by another company
n [C]
1) an organization, industry, country etc that is
deliberately chosen to have something done to it
2) a result such as a total, an amount, or a time
which you aim to achieve
v [T]
1) to make something have an effect on a particu-
lar limited group or area
2) to choose someone or something as your target
– targeted Adj
tariff n [C usually plural] a tax on goods coming
into a country or going out of it
teaser n [C] an advertisement intended to get
people's attention for advertisments that will come
later or products that will be available later
teller n [C] especially AmE someone whose job is
to receive and pay out money in a bank
terminate v
1) [I,T] if something terminates, or if you termi-
nate it, it ends
2) [T] to remove someone from their job
thrive v [I] if a company, market, or place is
thriving, it is very successful
top-of-the-range adj used to describe the most
expensive products in a range of products or a market
track record n [C usually singular] all the things
that a person or organization has done in the past,
which shows how good they are
trade union also trades union n [C] BrE an or-
ganization representing people working in a particular
industry or profession, especially in meetings with
their employers. Trade unions are called labor unions
in American English – trade unionist n [C]
transaction n [C]
1) a business deal, especially one involving the
exchange of money
2) the act of paying or receiving money
transition n [C,U] formal the act or process of
changing from one state or form to another
trend n [C] the general way in which a particular
situation is changing or developing
trial n
1) [C] a legal process in which a court of law ex-
amines a case to decide whether someone is guilty of
a crime
2) [C usually plural] a process of testing a product
to see whether it is safe, effective etc trial v [T], trial-
ling n [U]
adj [only before a noun] having three parts
or members
v [I,T] to become three times as much or
as many, or to make something do this
turnaround also turnround BrE n [C usually
1) the time between receiving an order for goods,
dealing with it, and sending the goods to the customer
2) a complete change from a bad situation to a
good one
3) a complete change in someone's opinion or
turnover n [singular]
1) BrE the amount of business done in a particu-
lar period, measured by the amount of money ob-
tained from customers for goods or services that have
been sold
2) the rate at which workers leave an or-
ganization and are replaced by others
3) the rate at which goods are sold
underperform v [I,T] if a company or invest-
ment underperforms, it is not as profitable as it should
unique selling proposition also unique selling
point (USP) n [C usually singular] the thing that
makes a particular product different from all other
similar products
unscrupulous adj behaving in an unfair or dis-
honest way – unscrupulously adv, unscrupulousness
n [U]
v [I,T]
1) to make a computer, machine etc better and
able to do more things