share capital n [U] capital in the form of shares,
rather than in the form of loans
shareholder n [C] someone who owns shares in a
company share option n [C] the right given by a
company to its workers to buy shares at a fixed price.
skill n [C,U] an ability to do something well, es-
pecially because you have learned and practised it
sleeping partner n [C] a partner who invests in a
business but does not take an active part in managing
v past tense and past participle slipped pre-
sent participle slipping [I] to become worse or less or
fall to a lower amount, standard etc than before
n [singular] an occasion when something
becomes worse or becomes less or lower
slogan n [C] a short phrase that is easy to re-
member and is used by by an advertiser, organization,
or other group
slot n [C] a particular time when a television pro-
gramme or advertisement is shown
soar v [I] to increase quickly to a high level
sole trader n [C] a legal form of company in
some countries for someone who has their own busi-
ness, with no other shareholders
speculate v
1) [I] to buy goods, shares, property etc in the
hope that their value will increase so that you can sell
them at a higher price and make a profit, often quickly
2) [I,T] to think or talk about the possible causes
or effects of something without knowing all the facts
or details speculation n [U]
speculative adj
1) bought or done in the hope of making a profit
2) based on guessing, not on information or facts
sponsorship n [U] financial support to pay for a
sports or arts event or training, in exchange for adver-
tising or to get public attention
stabilize also -ise BrE v [I,T] to become firm,
steady, or unchanging, or to make something do this
stake n [C usually singular] money risked or in-
vested in a business
stakeholder n [C] a person who is considered an
important part of an organization or of society be-
cause they have responsibility within it and receive
advantages from it
stand v past tense and past participle stood
stand at phr v [I] to be at a particular level or
start-up n [C] a new company
status symbol n [C] something you own that you
think is a sign of high social status
stock n [C,U]
1) especially AmE one of the shares into which
ownership of a company is divided, or these shares
considered together
2) also stocks a supply of a commodity
(=oil, metal, farm product etc) that has been pro-
duced and is kept to be used when needed
3) especially BrE a supply of raw materials or
parts before they are used in production, or a supply
of finished goods. Stocks of raw materials or parts are
usually called inventories in American English
4) a supply of goods, kept for sale by a shop or
other retailer. Stocks of goods are usually called in-
ventories in American English
stock control n [U] BrE making sure that sup-
plies of raw materials, work in progress, and finished
goods are managed correctly. Stock control is called
inventory control in American English
straight adj be/play straight with sb to be hon-
est and truthful with someone
strategic adj done as part of a plan to gain an ad-
vantage or achieve a particular purpose – strategically
strategy n plural strategies
1) [C] a plan or series of plans for achieving an
aim, especially relating to the best way for an organi-
zation to develop
2) U] the process of skilful planning in general
stress n [U] continuous feelings of worry about
your work or personal life, that prevent you from re-
laxing – stressful adj
stressed also stressed out adj if someone is
stressed or stressed out, they are so worried and tired
that they cannot relax
strike v [I] to deliberately stop work for a while
because of a disagreement about pay, working condi-
tions etc
submit v [T] to give a plan or piece of writing to
someone in authority for them to consider or approve
subsidiary also subsidiary company n plural
subsidaries [C] a company that is at least half-owned
by another company
subsidize also -ise BrE v [T] if a government or
organization subsidizes a company, activity etc, it
pays part of the cost – subsidized adj
subsidy n plural subsidies [C] money that is paid
by a government or organization to make something
cheaper to buy, use, or produce
surge v [I] to increase suddenly
sweetener « [C]
1) something used to make an offer, suggestion
etc more attractive