Read and Speak. Круглова М.В. - 122 стр.



less conveniently arranged than in a flat.
Mrs. Taylor: There’s something in what you say, of course, but modern houses
are just as well laid out as flats. Besides, you mustn’t forget that
most houses have a garden where you can relax and the children
can play in safety. Living in a flat must be like living in a box.
Mrs. Collins: Nonsense, Sally! Modern flats often have balconies, and they are
surrounded by lawns and gardens. Houses are all very well, but
they are very much harder to keep clean than flats.
Mrs. Taylor: I disagree with you, but I won’t argue. I think the worst thing
about flats is that they are so noisy.
Mrs. Collins: That’s simply not true. I think you are prejudiced against flats.
Mrs. Taylor: Far from it. I just prefer houses, that’s all.
Additional formulas
I disagree.
I couldn’t agree more.
I disagree there / on that point.
(I’m afraid) I disagree with you (there / on that point).
I refuse to accept that.
Nothing of the kind.
Not at all.
I’m not so sure of that.
I’m not convinced.
On the contrary.
It’s just the other way round.
Come, come! (Used as a remonstrance when someone expresses an exaggerated or
foolish opinion.)