Read and Speak. Круглова М.В. - 124 стр.



III. Express your agreement, partial agreement, or
disagreement with the following statements. Try to use as
wide a variety of formulas as possible.
1. English is more difficult than Russian.
2. Cats are dirty animals.
3. Winter is the best time of year.
4. Children get too much money nowadays.
5. Drinking is more dangerous than smoking.
6. You eat too much.
7. Dogs make the best pets.
8. Women teachers shouldn’t wear trousers at school.
9. Boys are better at sport than girls.
10. People in Russia are friendlier than in Britain.
11. Women have achieved complete equality nowadays.
12. Buses are more convenient than trams.
13. Most of the married women who go out to work do so for financial reasons.
14. Football is the most popular sport in Russia.
15. Teachers are overpaid.
16. Life in the countryside is very boring.
17. Most films are not worth seeing nowadays.
18. Smoking is the sign of a weak character.
19. Students’ grants are too high.
3. Uncertainty, tentative opinions, doubt, disbelief
Mr. Baxter: Who are you going to propose for the annual prize?
Mr. Mann: I’m not at all sure. I’m in two minds about it. Who do you think
ought to get it?
Mr. Baxter: I can’t make up my mind either, but I should have thought that John
Fletcher was the most likely choice.
Mr. Mann: Do you really think so? There’s no doubt he’s done very well in the
examinations, but he’s too one-sided for my liking.
Mr. Baxter: Really? In what sense?
Mr. Mann: Well, first of all, I’m pretty certain he’s one of those people who are