Read and Speak. Круглова М.В. - 125 стр.



simply good at passing examinations.
Mr. Baxter: How can you be sure?
Mr. Mann: For one thing, the tutorial essays he wrote for the last term were
rather superficial.
Mr. Baxter: Is that so? You surprise me. Maybe he wasn’t able to spend so much
time on them.
Mr. Mann: Possibly, but I doubt whether the others had as much time as he did.
He doesn’t seem to have any interests outside his own subjects. I
don’t think one should encourage such a narrow approach.
Mr. Baxter: I dare say you’re right, but who have you got in mind for the prize?
Mr. Mann: What about Sarah Blake? She did very well in the exams and,
what’s more important, she’s capable of really independent work.
Besides, she’s made a great success of the Theatre Group. What do
you think?
Mr. Baxter: I hesitate to pass an opinion because I don’t know her so very well,
but doesn’t she tend to be rather erratic?
Mr. Mann: She used to be to some extent, but I think she’s overcome that now.
Mr. Baxter: Well, you seem to make up your mind after all.
Mr. Mann: Yes, it looks very much like it, doesn’t it?
Additional formulas
(It should be born in mind that formulas expressing uncertainty, tentative
opinions, doubt, disbelief and related notions, overlap and merge. The following
classification is therefore intended as a practical guide and should not be treated too
I don’t know exactly.
I’m not (quite) sure / certain.
I can’t say (at the moment).
I really couldn’t say.
Perhaps / Perhaps not.
Maybe / Maybe not.