Read and Speak. Круглова М.В. - 126 стр.



Possibly / Possibly not.
Perhaps / Maybe / Possibly I am / he can /we shall / etc.
Tentative opinion
I should think so. / I shouldn’t think so.
I think so. / I don’t think so. / I think not.
I suppose so. / I don’t suppose so. / I suppose not.
I suppose it is / he will / they can / etc.
Probably / Probably not.
I should / shouldn’t say so (on the whole).
It seems / looks like it.
I (very much) doubt it.
I doubt it very much.
I doubt whether he is / we can / they will / etc.
I’m not so sure of that.
Are you sure?
I find that (very) difficult to believe.
I find it (very) difficult to believe that …
I find it (very) difficult for you to believe that …
Surely you don’t mean (to say) that …
I (just / simply) don’t believe it.