Read and Speak. Круглова М.В. - 123 стр.



I. Answer the following questions, using words and phrases
from the dialogue:
1. Why does Mrs. Taylor consider houses to be preferable to flats?
2. What does Mrs. Collins say about rooms in houses?
3. What does Mrs. Taylor say about the layout of modern houses?
4. What does she say Mrs. Collins mustn’t forget?
5. What further disadvantages do houses have, according to Mrs. Collins?
6. What is the worst thing about flats, in Mrs. Taylor’s opinion?
II. Express disagreement with the following statements,
using as many appropriate formulas as possible in each
1. He is terribly jealous.
2. I think we have to accept his decision.
3. There’s nothing we can do about it.
4. I’m absolutely certain she was telling lies.
5. She is a very impulsive sort of girl, isn’t she?
6. She always strikes me as being rather strict, whereas her husband is easy-going.
7. I think she’s more honest than he is.
8. I think it was a cowardly thing to do.
9. I don’t like her very much: I think she is snobbish.
10. Non-smokers are intolerant.
11. Women are terrible drivers.
12. Boys help more at home than girls.
13. You can’t change human nature.
14. You don’t need much education to be a good mother.