Introduction to biology. Кулагина Ж.Д. - 19 стр.



information. 6. There is protoplasm in lifeless matter. 7. Scientists know everything
about the fundamental chemical and physical organization of protoplasm.
Ex. 6. Put the verbs in brackets into a proper tense form.
1. The word "biology" (come
) from two Greek words: "bio"=life and "logos"=study. 2.
Biology (include) all the facts and principles which have been derived from a scientific
study of living things. 3. Life (exist) in many places on the earth. 4. In the Arctic region
the temperature sometimes (fall
) to degrees below zero. 5. In desert the temperature
sometimes (climb) to over 120 degrees. 6. Some animals (live) under the immense
pressure of the deep seas. 7. This animals (live) near the tops of the highest mountain. 8.
Certain vital processes (take
) place in plant bodies in the same manner as in animal
Ex. 7. Translate the following. Pay attention to the use of tenses in the "if" and
"when" sentences.
1. If the secondary roots outgrow the primary ones, they will give rise to the fibrous
root system. 2. If the plant is eaten by an animal, the plant tissues will be digested and
carbon atom will be absorbed and assimilated into the body of animals. 3. If the dead
body of the plant or animal decays, the carbon atom will be involved in the process of
decomposition and return to the atmosphere in a molecule of carbon dioxide. 4. If the
plant or animal becomes buried in a peat bog, the carbon atom will become an atom of
coal in time. 5. When the coal is burned, the carbon atom will again return to the
atmosphere. 6. If living things have access to this or that place and if they find the
necessary conditions for their existence there, they will invade it. 7. If you are going to
proceed to a new stage of your experiment, there is no time like the present. 8. If water
is withdrawn from protoplasm, it will suspend its functions. 9. If water contains salts
in such concentration that no osmosis takes place, this water is the most favourable
medium for animal life. 10. If water is isotonic with protoplasm, it will be the most
favourable medium for animal life. 11. Osmosis doesn't take place between the cell
and its surroundings if both contain pure water.
Ex. 8. It is useful to record words which are associated in networks because it can
help you to remember them. You can do this in the form of a diagram.
What do you associate the word "living" with. Fill in the spidergram.
information. 6. There is protoplasm in lifeless matter. 7. Scientists know everything
about the fundamental chemical and physical organization of protoplasm.

      Ex. 6. Put the verbs in brackets into a proper tense form.

1. The word "biology" (come*) from two Greek words: "bio"=life and "logos"=study. 2.
Biology (include) all the facts and principles which have been derived from a scientific
study of living things. 3. Life (exist) in many places on the earth. 4. In the Arctic region
the temperature sometimes (fall *) to degrees below zero. 5. In desert the temperature
sometimes (climb) to over 120 degrees. 6. Some animals (live) under the immense
pressure of the deep seas. 7. This animals (live) near the tops of the highest mountain. 8.
Certain vital processes (take*) place in plant bodies in the same manner as in animal

     Ex. 7. Translate the following. Pay attention to the use of tenses in the "if" and
"when" sentences.

1. If the secondary roots outgrow the primary ones, they will give rise to the fibrous
root system. 2. If the plant is eaten by an animal, the plant tissues will be digested and
carbon atom will be absorbed and assimilated into the body of animals. 3. If the dead
body of the plant or animal decays, the carbon atom will be involved in the process of
decomposition and return to the atmosphere in a molecule of carbon dioxide. 4. If the
plant or animal becomes buried in a peat bog, the carbon atom will become an atom of
coal in time. 5. When the coal is burned, the carbon atom will again return to the
atmosphere. 6. If living things have access to this or that place and if they find the
necessary conditions for their existence there, they will invade it. 7. If you are going to
proceed to a new stage of your experiment, there is no time like the present. 8. If water
is withdrawn from protoplasm, it will suspend its functions. 9. If water contains salts
in such concentration that no osmosis takes place, this water is the most favourable
medium for animal life. 10. If water is isotonic with protoplasm, it will be the most
favourable medium for animal life. 11. Osmosis doesn't take place between the cell
and its surroundings if both contain pure water.

      Ex. 8. It is useful to record words which are associated in networks because it can
help you to remember them. You can do this in the form of a diagram.

      What do you associate the word "living" with. Fill in the spidergram.