В а р и а н т II
I. Прочитайте и устно переведите текст.
The Bodies of Government in the United Kingdom
1. Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy, the Queen of Great Britain being not absolute ruler. Her powers are
limited by Parliament. The power over the Parliamentary government in Britain is achieved in three main ways: 1) by
direct representation in Parliament by businessmen and by politicians supporting businessmen; 2) by direct influence
over the Cabinet, the supreme organ of the British Government which controls Parliament; and 3) by initiation, control
and amendment of legislation in which they are interested.
2. The Bodies of government in the United Kingdom are: those of the legislature consisting of the Queen in Par-
liament and being the supreme authority of the country; those of the executive and those of the judiciary.
3. The executive bodies consist of: 1) the Cabinet and other ministers of the Crown being responsible for direct-
ing national policy, 2) government departments being responsible for administration at the national level; 3) local au-
thorities administering and controlling many services at the local level; and 4) statutory boards being responsible for the
operation of particular nationalized industries or public services. The highest judicial body in the English judicial sys-
tem is the House of Lords.
4. The Prime Minister is usually the leader of the party that has a majority in the House of Commons. The Prime
Minister usually takes policy decisions with the agreement of his Cabinet (a committee of leading Ministers). Each new
Prime Minister may make changes in the size of his Cabinet and may create new ministries or make other changes. The
Prime Minister holds Cabinet meeting at his (her) house at number 10 Downing Street, which is very near the Houses of
Parliament in Westminster.
II. Дайте английские эквиваленты русским выражениям:
1) конституционная монархия; 2) абсолютный правитель (монарх); 3) полномочия; 4) быть ограниченным;
5) непосредственное представительство; 6) законодательная инициатива; 7) поправка; 8) высшая власть; 9) ис-
полнительные органы; 10) отвечать за, нести ответственность; 11) направление национальной политики; 12)
местные власти; 13) Государственный совет; 14) национализированные отрасли промышленности; 15) общест-
венные службы; 16) палата лордов; 17) палата общин; 18) принимать политические решения; 19) производить
изменения (изменять); 20) создавать, организовывать.
III. Письменно переведите третий и четвертый абзацы текста.
IV. Найдите в первом и втором абзацах текста по одному предложению, в которых Participle I выполня-
ет функцию определения и переведите их на русский язык.
V. Найдите в первом абзаце текста предложение с абсолютным причастным оборотом и переведите
его на русский язык.
VI. Найдите и выпишите ответы на следующие вопросы.
1. What kind of state is Great Britain according to the system of government?
2. How is the power over the Parliamentary government achieved?
3. What are the main bodies of government in Britain?
4. What do the executive bodies consist of?
5. What is the highest judicial body?
6. Where is the residence of the Prime-Minister?
В а р и а н т III
I. Прочитайте и устно переведите текст.
Outlines of Constitutional Law
1. To understand English constitutional law it is necessary to study numerous documents, including constitutional
treaties like the Bill of Rights, various statutes and judicial decisions and others. But the whole of the Constitution of
Britain, often called "unwritten", will not be found in any of these documents.
2. The English constitution though partly written is yet to be regarded as "unwritten" from the standpoint of con-
stitutional lawyers, as it is not codified as a whole in any particular document or documents. The English Constitution is
flexible because Parliament can "make or unmake" any law by the same procedure and with the same ease.
3. Theory and practice concerning English constitutional law are divergent, as it is seen from the following illus-
a) in theory the Sovereign is to be an active party to the making of laws, but in practice he has a shadowy veto;
b) in theory certain persons (e.g. Lord Mayor) are invested with judicial powers at trials in the Central Criminal
Court; but in practice they don't take part in judicial work there;
c) in theory certain public departments should be controlled by boards consisting of various high officials (e.g.
the Board of Trade), but the real head is a single Minister of the Crown (e.g. the President of the Board of Trade).
4. Certain important Conventions control the entire working of the Constitution. These Conventions relate to the