Английский язык: Контрольная работа N5 для студентов юридических специальностей. Макеева М.Н - 6 стр.


duties of the king as a person, the duties of the Ministers of the Crown and so on.
5. The differences between the English and American Constitutions are:
a) in the USA the President is in practice more of a ruler than the English king but his legal powers are more re-
b) the English Constitution is flexible, the American – rigid, i.e., in England all laws can be altered with ease, and
in the USA complicated machinery is necessary for the alteration of the Constitution;
c) the American Constitution is written, the English Constitution being unwritten;
d) the American President is not dependent on the vote of the Congress; in England the Cabinet is dependent on
the vote of the House of Соmmons. England is the only country possessing hereditary legislators.
II. Дайте английские эквиваленты русским выражениям:
1) конституционное право; 2) многочисленный; 3) договор, закрепленный в конституции; 4) Билль о пра-
вах; 5) законодательные акты; 6) судебное решение; 7) рассматривать как (в качестве); 8) в каком-либо кон-
кретном документе; 9) противоречивый; 10) призрачное вето; 11) облекать чем-либо (властью); 12) судебное
разбирательство; 13) центральный уголовный суд; 14) принимать участие; 15) чиновник высокого ранга; 16) как
личность; 17) гибкий; 18) сложный механизм; 19) изменение конституции; 20) законодатели, которые становят-
ся таковыми по праву наследования титула.
III. Письменно переведите второй, третий и четвертый абзацы текста.
IV. Найдите:
а) в первом абзаце предложение, где Participle I выполняет функцию определения, и предложение, где
Participle II выполняет функцию определения;
б) в пятом абзаце текста предложение, в котором Participle I выполняет функцию определения. Переведи-
те предложения на русский язык.
V. Найдите в пятом абзаце текста предложение с абсолютным причастным оборотом и переведите его
на русский язык.
VI. Найдите и выпишите ответы на следующие вопросы.
1. Why is it difficult to study English constitutional law?
2. Why is the English Constitution to be regarded as "unwritten"?
3. Why is the English Constitution flexible?
4. Is the British Sovereign an active party to the making of laws?
5. What controls the entire working of the Constitution?
6. Does the American President depend on the legislators?
В а р и а н т IV
I. Прочитайте и устно переведите текст.
The Central Criminal Court
1. In 1834 the Central Criminal Court, often called the Old Baily, was set up by statute as the Court in which the
Commissioners were to do their work. Since that time the proceedings held at the Sessions house were those of the Cen-
tral Criminal Court. By the Judicature Act of 1875 the Central Criminal Court was constituted as a part of the High
Court of Justice.
2. Its jurisdiction having been subsequently extended, the Central Criminal Court covers indictable offences (of-
fences other than those triable summarily before magistrates), committed within the City of London, the counties of
London and Middlesex, and much of the surrounding country-side. It also has jurisdiction over offences committed on
the High Seas (открытое море; за пределами территориальных вод) (thus inheriting the criminal jurisdiction of the
Court of Admiralty (Адмиралтейский суд). And less serious offences, if committed within the City of London, are
tried at the Central Criminal Court.
3. The Court must sit for at least twelve sessions a year, and each session lasts for nearly a month. The vacations
observed by the civil side of the Supreme Court have no place here. At the beginning of each session the list of persons
commissioned to hear cases is read out. The persons so commissioned are the Lord Mayor of London, the Lord Chan-
cellor, all the judges of the High Court and certain other persons.
4. The Court may sit in two or more divisions ("courts") and these may be as many as five. The majority of the
work is done by the three officials together with one or more Special Commissioners. But on the third day of each ses-
sion a professional judge sits to try the most serious cases and continues until they have been disposed of.
5. There is a tendency towards a more humane administration of the criminal law. For many years the reform in
the punishment of offences after conviction has been accompanied by a trend towards a more satisfactory treatment of
accused prisoners before they are convicted. But the old traditions die hard.
II. Дайте английские эквиваленты русским выражениям: