Методические указания по составлению и оформлению научного доклада на профессиональную тему на английском языке. Малетина Л.В. - 23 стр.



Since the Industrial Revolution, man has introduced tremendous amounts of
carbon dioxide into the earth's atmosphere. While some of this CO2 is
assimilated into natural reservoirs, approximately 50% remains airborne.
This increase in CO2 concentration causes what is commonly known as the
greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is a result of the absorption of
infrared radiation by the surface of the earth. This absorption causes an
increase in the atmospheric temperature. Increasing the earth's temperature
in turn increases the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere. Since water
vapor is also a strong absorber of infrared radiation, a positive feedback
mechanism is created, leading to further infrared-radiation absorption. As
temperatures increase, atmospheric circulation patterns are altered which
will change local weather patterns.
These changes could have an enormous impact on agricultural production.
Attendant to a rise in the mean global temperature is a melting of small but
significant portion of the polar ice caps. This will result in a rise in sea level
which would flood coastal areas including major population centers. The
problem of the greenhouse effect might be remedied by a reduction in the
use of fossil fuel, large scale reforestation to increase the capacity of the
biotic sink, and development of alternate energy sources such as solar and
nuclear fusion. However, not much hope is held out for these remedies.
Report begins with
two paragraph-
length abstract.
Abstract does not
cite sources.
Abstract of paper
in present tense.