Методические указания по составлению и оформлению научного доклада на профессиональную тему на английском языке. Малетина Л.В. - 35 стр.



There are some tips how to start writing your own Technical Report:
1) Describe the purpose of your research. Are you presenting the results of research, outlining a
new theory or method, and/or offering a new interpretation of old data?
2) Describe the most important feature of your research.
3) Compile a list of works by other researchers that you used in your own research or that is
related to your research.
4) Describe the ways in which your research proves or disproves other researchers' work.
5) Describe the background of this subject.
6) Describe what you expected to find before you began your research. How did your project
change over time? How did your results differ from your expectations?
7) Describe your results. How did you check your results? How can you best represent them:
with text, in a table, with a figure, etc?
8) Describe the consequences of your research. What does it mean for the subject? How will it
affect future research on this subject?
9) Describe the ideal audience for your report. Who would be most impacted by your research?
Who would best understand the consequences of your research?
10) If you are seeking to publish your report, describe the journals in which you would like to
see your research appear. What are the specific requirements for these journals? Additionally,
what type of language should you use in writing your report? Look carefully at journals to
which you are interested in submitting; how do writers describe their experimental data?
11) Consider the specific guidelines under which you are working. If relevant, make a list of the
sections you are required to include in your report. If you have freedom in choosing sections to
include, make a list of the sections you think will be necessary to include.
So good luck with your work!