Методические указания по составлению и оформлению научного доклада на профессиональную тему на английском языке. Малетина Л.В. - 4 стр.



What are technical reports and why would you write one?
To become successful in writing scientific papers you should follow some rules and guidelines
Business and industry, as well as universities, often demand writing scientific papers. Engineers,
scientists, and managers usually write research reports to communicate the results of their
research work, field work, or experiments. Technical report writing is one of the best vehicles
through which you can share the results of your research with others. A technical report is a
formal report designed to convey technical information in a clear and easily accessible format.
Technical paper describes and evaluates technical products, processes or services.
If you are looking for a comprehensive coverage in the subject, you will find How to Write a
Technical Report quite useful. Organized as six self-contained parts, this course, this course has
some guidelines for writing a technical report.
Technical reports present facts and conclusions about your designs and other projects.
Typically, a technical report includes research about technical concepts as well as graphical
depictions of designs and data. A technical report also follows a strict organization. This way,
when other engineers read what you write, they can quickly locate the information that interests
them the most.
Technical reports are diverse in their aim and focus, and differ greatly in their structure.
They are proposals, progress reports, trip reports, completion reports, investigation reports,
feasibility studies, evaluation reports, recommendation reports or primary research reports.
No matter how diverse are technical reports in their forms and objectives, they share one feature
in common: they communicate to the audience.
A good technical report should
clearly motivate and define the problem;
describe the approach and compare it to other approaches;
present and discuss the results.