Методические указания по составлению и оформлению научного доклада на профессиональную тему на английском языке. Малетина Л.В. - 5 стр.



1.1. Page Layout
Your document should be single sided, single column with a text area of approximately
170x240mm, centered on an A4 page. Use single or 1.5 line spacing.
1.2. Text Formatting
1.2.1 Main Text
It is suggested to use a serif font for all your text, 11 or 12 pt. Times Roman is a frequent choice
for technical writers. Please, try to avoid using italic or bold face in the body of your text. Rather
use paragraphs to structure your ideas.
As a rule of thumb: each thought should be dedicated to one paragraph. Try to use short and
precise sentences. Split longer sentences into multiple shorter ones.
1.2.2. Headings
Your headings should be clearly identified (slightly larger font, bold face) and numbered as
shown in this document. It is suggested to use up to three levels of numbering for documents of
20 pages or less and to use up to 4 levels for all other documents.
1.3. Figures and Tables
In figures and tables, a smaller font size can be used if needed. It looks also neat if figures use a
san-serif font. If you use a san-serif font in tables, tables may have a less technical appearance
but readability could be improved.
Tables and Figures must have a caption and must be numbered. For shorter papers, use
consecutive numbering, for long documents (with a chapter structure) use a 2-level numbering
scheme of chapter number and consecutive numbering, e.g. Figure 2.1 denotes the first figure in
chapter 2.
1.3.1. Incorporating figures, tables, and equations
There are conventions for using figures and tables in a report. Usually only these two categories
are used; anything other than tables (maps, charts, diagrams, drawings, graphs) is called a figure.
Figures and tables should be placed as close as possible to the point at which they are referred to
in the text. Give all figures and tables a number and title. Refer to each figure and table in the
text of the report.
Example 1.
Table 1 Existing communication channels
Example 2.
The communication channels in the organization are shown in Table 1.
The title of a table goes above the table, while the title of a figure goes below the figure.