Методические указания по составлению и оформлению научного доклада на профессиональную тему на английском языке. Малетина Л.В. - 7 стр.



All technical reports usually have a defined final organization and divided up into sections. Each
section has a specific purpose, and often there are specific guidelines for formatting each section.
It's always best to look at similar reports that have been published in order to more fully
understand the expectations for reports in your field.
Generally, a report will include the following sections: title page; abstract, table of contents;
abstract or summary; introduction; main body: methodology, analysis of results; conclusions,
recommendations; reference or bibliographyand appendices.
Table 1: Typical sections of a technical report.
Sections Volume in pages
Title, Author on cover page
Table of contents 0.5-1
Abstract 1-2 paragraphs
Introduction 0.5-1
Main body:
Analysis of Results
Conclusions 0.5
Recomendations 0,5
References or
0.5 -1
Figures and Tables
Each section has a specific purpose, and there are peculiar guidelines for formatting each section.
Though, there is a standard model of structure, style, and sections’ arrangement, which we will
refer to.
2.1 Headings in the body of the report
Provide informative headings.As for the title, section headings should tell the reader exactly
what type of information is contained in the section. They should be specific and content-focused
rather than just labels. Devising informative headings as opposed to label headings right from the
planning stage will help you to clarify exactly what you want to achieve in each section and
Compare these pairs of headings:
Consumption patterns
vs. Changes in water consumption patterns 1995-2005
Survey results vs. Results of peak hour turning movement survey