Методические указания по составлению и оформлению научного доклада на профессиональную тему на английском языке. Малетина Л.В. - 8 стр.



Example 1. Uninformative headings
The Organization
Example 2. Informative headings
Overview of the Organization
Communication in the Organization
Groups in the Organization
Management Style and Methods
Make all headings consistent and parallel in structure.This means that headings should follow a
similar grammatical form. In the following example, each heading is structured differently:
Example 3. Inconsistent headings
The Company Structure
Do the Communication Channels Work?
Participating in Groups
How to Develop an
Effective Management
[ noun phrase]
[ question]
[ gerund phrase]
Usually, it is not difficult to convert such headings to a common form. In this example, all have
been changed to noun phrases. This is the most commonly used format for section headings in
an informational report.
Example 4. Consistent headings
Company Structure
Communication Channels
Group Participation
Development of an Effective Management Style
2.2. Title page
The title page of the report usually contains four main parts of the information:
1. The report title.
2. The name of the author and the company or university which originated the report.
3. Organization, or company for whom this report has been prepared.
4. The date the report was completed.
This is the essential information that should be included to the title page of your report.
The title should be informative, but reasonably short.
Indeed, there are four basic approaches that writers use in writing the title of their technical
reports. You can:
1. Make the title the restatement of the investigated subject.
2. Incorporate one of the major research methods into the title of the report.
3. Include the name of the hypothesis, theory, or problem that was researched in the title of
your research report.
4. Provide a concise description of the obtained results in your report title.