Методические указания по составлению и оформлению научного доклада на профессиональную тему на английском языке. Малетина Л.В. - 10 стр.



Table 2: Number the sections by the decimal point numbering system:
1.0 Title of first main section (usually Introduction)
1.1 First subheading
1.2 Second subheading
2.0 Title of second main section
2.1 First subheading
2.2 Second subheading
2.2.1 First division in the second subheading
2.2.2 Second division in the second subheading
3.0 Title of third main section
Number all the preliminary pages in lower-case Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv, ...). You
don't have to place the number i on the title page. Just count it and put ii on the second
page of your report. Preliminary pages are any which come before the introduction,
including the summary and, where applicable, acknowledgements.
Number all the remaining pages of your report with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, 4, ...). Thus
the report proper begins on page 1 with your introduction, which is usually Section 1.
Provide a title in your table of contents to describe the contents of each appendix (Note:
one appendix, two or more appendices). Don't just call them Appendix 1 or Appendix 2.
Example contents page
This contents page is from a report entitled Preliminary Design of a Bridge.
Summary ii
1.0 Introduction 1
2.0 Design 1: 33m Steel I-girder bridge 2
2.1 Superstructure 2
2.2 Abutments 3
2.3 Construction method 3
3.0 Design 2: 25m Super T-girder bridge 4
3.1 Superstructure 4
3.2 Abutments 5
3.3 Construction method 6
4.0 Comparison of designs 7
4.1 Economics 7
4.2 Safety 8
4.3 Aesthetics 9
5.0 Conclusions and recommendations 9
6.0 References 10