Методические указания по составлению и оформлению научного доклада на профессиональную тему на английском языке. Малетина Л.В. - 11 стр.



Appendix 1 Design 1 scale drawings
Appendix 2 Design 2 scale drawings
2.5. Introduction
The Introduction of a technical report represents the subject, the purpose, and the plan of the
development of your report. Writing the Introduction, you should keep in mind that your main
aim is to introduce your readers to the problem that you are setting out to solve in the course of
your technical report. You can also include some background information into the Introduction
to get your readers acquainted with the history and background of the subject that you have
chosen and thoroughly researched. Background information includes a description of the history
behind that particular problem. It may cover previous works on the area and previous attempts to
solve the problem. Remember that stating the objectives and the problem of the carried research
are the main functions of this section.
Plan the Introduction to your description carefully. Make sure it does all of the following things
(but not necessarily in this order) that apply to your particular description:
Indicate the specific object/process/technique about to be described (why is it
Indicate what the audience needs in terms of knowledge and background to understand
the description (what is the history of this issue?).
Give a general description of the object/process/technique and its function, cause, or
effect (what are you trying to accomplish and what is the focus of your analyses?).
Give an overview of the contents of the description (what is in the report and how the
report is organized?).
Now remember: you may not need all of the elements, and some of them can combine neatly
into single sentences. The Introduction ought to be brisk and to the point and not feel as though it
is trudging laboriously through each of these elements.
Example introduction Introduction from a report entitled "A Review of Greenhouse Gas
Reduction Actions and Opportunities: the Current Status of the Kyoto Protocol".
1. Introduction
The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon that keeps the earth's surface warm. Greenhouse
gases trap heat from solar radiation, analogous to the way glass panes trap heat in a greenhouse.
Due to increasing greenhouse gas emissions from human activities, the greenhouse effect has
been significantly augmented, causing a rise in the earth's surface temperature. This temperature
rise has led to climate change, causing frequent natural disasters. This has generated increasing
awareness of the importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions through international and
domestic initiatives.
Contextual background
The aims of this project are to examine the Kyoto Protocol and the effect it would have on
participating countries. Another aim is to investigate actions already taken by three industrialized
countries, namely Australia, the United States, and Canada.
2.6. Main Body of the report
The Main Body of the report is the part where you present your work.
The Body of the report: