Методические указания по составлению и оформлению научного доклада на профессиональную тему на английском языке. Малетина Л.В. - 12 стр.



presents the information from your research, both real world and theoretical, or your
organises information logically under appropriate headings;
conveys information in the most effective way for communication;
uses figures and tables;
can use bulleted or numbered lists;
can use formatting to break up large slabs of text.
The Introduction and Conclusions act as a frame for the body only: therefore all the details of
your work (including a summarised version of material in the appendices) must be included here
in the appropriate section. It is also essential that you choose concise but informative headings
and subheadings so that the reader knows exactly what type of information to expect in each
2.6.1. Methodology
A description of the methodological framework you have used in the project, or investigation. It
focuses on the theoretical side of the methods.
2.6.2. Analyses of Results
‘All the preceding sections of the report lead in to the results section and all the subsequent
sections will consider what the results section means’.
Results are usually the longest and most important part of your report, where you have to report
the results of the carried research. Literally you have to discuss here what you have invented,
discovered, confirmed through your research, and to present this information in the form of
calculated values, visual observations, plots, illustrations, graphs, or tables.
You should focus on facts of your research in the results section. As stated above, you’ll
extensively use tables and figures in this section. They are the indispensable part of presenting
the results of your research work, because they help you to convey the data to the readers more
efficiently, in addition, to simplify and to visualize presented information. With the help of
figures and tables you will convey numerical data and measurements taken during your
experiment in your report.
Remember that the results of your research should be presented as plainly as possible.
2.7. Conclusions
The Conclusions section provides an effective ending to your report. The content should relate
directly to the aims of the project as stated in the introduction, and sum up the essential features
of your work. This section:
states whether you have achieved your aims
gives a brief summary of the key findings or information in your report
highlights the major outcomes of your investigation and their significance.
It is a very short section, where you summarize your findings and generalize their importance.
As you draw conclusions, you should explain them in terms of the preceding results section, and
give your opinions based on the evidence and data presented in the results section. You don’t
have to introduce any new ideas in this section; though, you can raise unanswered and
ambiguous questions in the Conclusions.