Инфинитивные конструкции: Лексико-грамматический практикум по английскому языку. Марченко О.В. - 9 стр.



P r a c t i c a l P a r t
Óïð. 1. Ïðî÷èòàòü, ïåðåâåñòè íà ðóññêèé ÿçûê.
1. Ann wants me to wait for her after school.
2. My father wanted Pete to fix the shelf in the kitchen.
3. She doesn’t want us to get wet through.
4. Pete’s mother wants her son to become a vet.
5. The teacher wanted us to organize a trip to Moscow.
6. I want you to kiss me at once.
7. She wants Jimmy to get ready for the party.
8. The teacher of biology wanted her pupils to collect some
insects for school.
9. Nick wanted his friend to go with him to the mountains.
10. The driver doesn’t want the children to go with him.
11. I want you to smell the flower.
Óïð. 2. Ñîñòàâèòü ïðåäëîæåíèÿ, óïîòðåáëÿÿ ñëîæíîå
I want him 1/ to look after the child
We wanted he r 2/ to keep it in mind
this boy 3/ to come to the meeting
that girl 4/ to water these vegetables beds
them 5/ to return home early
the children 6/ to translate this sentences
7/ to work in the garden
Mike wants me 1/ to join the game
Ann wanted us 2/ to learn the poem by heart
Nick 3/ to write a letter to mother
4/ to smell the flowers
5/ to take care of the child
6/ to make tea
7/ to wait for the boys there
8/ to swim across the river
I don’t want you 1/ to go there
They didn’t want him 2/ to switch on the radio
                   Practical          Part
    Óïð. 1. Ïðî÷èòàòü, ïåðåâåñòè íà ðóññêèé ÿçûê.
       1. Ann wants me to wait for her after school.
       2. My father wanted Pete to fix the shelf in the kitchen.
       3. She doesn’t want us to get wet through.
       4. Pete’s mother wants her son to become a vet.
       5. The teacher wanted us to organize a tri p to Moscow.
       6. I want you to kiss me at once.
       7. She wants Jimmy to get ready for the party.
       8. The teacher of biology wanted her pupils to collect some
  insects for school.
       9. Nick wanted his friend to go with him to the mountains.
       10. The driver doesn’t want the children to go with him.
       11. I want you to smell the flower.

     Óïð. 2. Ñîñòàâèòü ïðåäëîæåíèÿ, óïîòðåáëÿÿ ñëîæíîå
I     want      him          1/ to look after the child
We wanted       her          2/ to keep it in mind
                this boy     3/ to come to the meeting
                that girl    4/ to water these vegetables beds
                them         5/ to return home early
                the children 6/ to translate this sentences
                             7/ to work in the garden
Mike wants       me          1/ to join the game
Ann wanted       us          2/ to learn the poem by heart
                 Nick        3/ to write a letter to mother
                             4/ to smell the flowers
                             5/ to take care of the child
                             6/ to make tea
                             7/ to wait for the boys there
                             8/ to swim across the river
I    don’t want you          1/ to go there
They didn’t want him         2/ to switch on the radio
