English for Masters in Economics. Маркушевская Л.П - 28 стр.


Exercise 1.Read the given collocations and match them with Russian
a) Tollagap,toascertaintheposition,multi-dimensionalscaling,mar
keting mix, appropriate strategy, vital market, competitive goods, to
be thrown into doubt.
b) ответствующаястратегия,оживленныйрынок,заполнитьпро
бел, дополнительные услуги, конгломерат рынков, подвергать
Exercise 2. Pay special attention to the following prepositions (post
positions) after the given verbs and translate them.
To lead to, to lead off, to lead with, to work on, to work out, to work at,
to result in, to result from, to agree with, to agree to, to agree on, to
turn to, to turn on, to turn over.
Product Positioning
Product positioning is designing the organisations product and market-
ing mix so that they are seen by the consumer to t into a particular place.
With market research the company can ascertain the position of the com-
petitor’s products and then decide whether to compete by offering a very
similar product, or to attempt to ll a gap in the market. Multi-dimensional
scaling or MDS is an increasingly popular way of positioning a product in
the mind’s eye. If you can imagine a sliding scale working both horizontally
and vertically, with the extremes noted at the end of each line, you can then
place a product or service at any point along that scale.
Once a company has established its product positioning, it is ready to
nalise the details of its marketing mix.
Companies nd it difcult to cater for the mass market. They have turned
increasingly to target marketing, which has enabled them to focus their ef-
forts. By being able to identify specic target areas they can develop an
appropriate marketing strategy, advertising, pricing and distribution. The
initial research stage is vital. Haphazard* or confused results here mean that
the entire target marketing exercise is thrown into doubt.
Successful target marketing does have benet for both parties. For the
company it means that it can become more competitive and achieve greater
Radio was invented in Russia, its inventor being the Russian
scientist A. S. Popov.
Радио было изобретено в России, и его изобретателем был
русский ученый А. С. Попов.
Неturnedandwent,we following him.
Он повернулся и вышел, мы последовали за ним.
Независимый причастный оборот может вводиться предлогом with.
Такие конструкции рекомендуется переводить деепричастными оборота-
ми или по общему правилу перевода независимого причастного оборота.
The daughter sat quite silent and still, withhereyesxedon the
Дочь сидела молча и неподвижно, опустив глаза.
Хотелось бы отметить, что в художественной и технической лите-
ратуре конструкции с независимым причастным оборотом встречают-
ся часто, а в разговорном языке их используют редко.
The Gerund
Герундий – неличная форма глагола, одна из двух -ing- форм (дру-
гая – Participle I). Аналогии этой форме в русском языке нет. Герундий
обладает как свойствами глагола, так и существительного.
Как глагол герундий:
1. имеет формы времени и залога:
G e r u n d A c t i v e P a s s i v e
Indenite telling being told
Perfect having told having been told
2. может иметь прямое дополнение:
She is fond of driving a car.
Она любит водить машину.