Exercise 1. Read, translate and give your explanation to the following
words and collocations.
Skills and experience, to be sophisticated, available skills, domain of
insiders, to be time-consuming, preconceived ideas and prejudices,
testify equipment.
the text according to the model.
Model: verb+tion(ation)=noun, (generate-generation)
Consider, organize, sophisticate, specialize, separate, inform.
Considerations in Choosing a Market Researcher
What then of the argument about using insiders or outsiders? There
are six main areas of consideration, not all of them necessarily relevant
to each case but several of which will be.
1. Cost. The rst area of consideration is that of cost. An obvious
one really as it is more expensive to «buy in» help from outside; but
what about the people you intend to use within your organisation? What
should they be doing that they cannot do if they are doing this research?
2. Expertise. Do your own people have the skills needed? Some re-
search techniques are fairly basic and do not require a great deal of skill
or experience, but some are quite sophisticated. Similarly, the analysis of
the data that has been collected needs to be looked at by the right person.
Perhaps the analysis is beyond your immediately available skills.
3. Knowledge of the product/service. On the other hand, the ques-
tion of knowledge of the product or service is much more likely to be the
domain of your insiders. You would have to teach the outside organisa-
tion about you, your organisation and your products or services. This is
both time-consuming and expensive.
4. Objectivity. Having said that about the «in house people» and that
they have knowledge of the organisation and what it is about, they may
be too close. The question of objectivity is an important one. Conclusions
drawn from the research may be unconsciously biased and tainted by
their own preconceived ideas and prejudices.
3. обстоятельством (в русском языке соответствует придаточному
Given all necessary data, we can solve this problem.
Если нам даны все необходимые данные, мы можем решить
эту проблему.
Перед причастием в функции обстоятельства могут стоять следую-
щие союзы: when, if, whenever, unless, though, once и т.д.
Сложные формы причастия настоящего и прошедшего времени в
пассивном залоге отличаются при переводе тем, что перевод причас-
тия I больше тяготеет к настоящему времени, а причастия II – к про-
The school being built not far from our Institute...
Школа, строящаяся недалеко от нашего института...
The school built not far from our Institute...
Школа, построенная недалеко от нашего института...
Перфектные причастия как активного, так и пассивного залога, вы-
полняют в предложении функцию обстоятельства и переводятся:
1. в активном залоге – деепричастием совершенного вида;
2. в пассивном залоге – придаточным предложением со сказуемым
в прошедшем времени.
Active Voice
Having tested the motor, the
engineer installed it into the
Испытав двигатель, инже-
нер установил его в машину.
Having been tested the motor
was installed into the machine.
После того, как мотор был
испытан, его установили в
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